The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 856: Talk about cooperation

"Hello, Mr. David, this is Emp, the chairman of Silorie Group."

"Emp? Hello, hello."

Junci met Boris David, who has the absolute right to speak in Bai Lai Men, at ten o'clock in the morning, US time.

Because Leo's appointment with Boris in advance was because he had a new film technique to interview him, so Boris was unavoidably surprised when he saw the young Junci.

He is a typical shrewd businessman and a mixed race of American and French, although foreigners can hardly see the difference.

His body is relatively fat, especially his belly, which looks a little bigger, and his suit is also very large, but this figure still shows a little temperament.

Probably I have been in the management for a long time, and I also have a good sense of restraint.

My hair is a little sparse because I'm over fifty, but I also sprayed hair spray seriously, mixed with some gray hair.

The whole person still seems quite mental.

When Boris saw Junci in front of him, he was not as calm as Junci. Firstly, because Junci was too young, and she was still biased towards Asian appearance, strangely, she was very beautiful.

Just like a famous American actress, although her facial features are extremely oriental, she still has the excellent beauty that Westerners appreciate.

The young man in front of him is definitely a good seed even if he is in the entertainment industry. Didn't you expect that the young man is actually the chairman of the newly emerged Silori Group?

"Mr. Emp is really young and promising, so he took the liberty to ask, is he Chinese-American?"

Although Junci made an appointment to see him this time, it is very common to see people say some words of praise, not to mention that Junci still deserves the praise.

"No, Mr. Boris, I am Chinese and pure."

Jun Ci pursed the corners of his lips, his attitude does not make people feel arrogant, but it does not make people look down upon.

Boris raised his brows slightly after hearing that Junci was a pure Chinese. He was very surprised, because very few Chinese can do this in the United States.

And because it is biased towards the entertainment industry, there is a deep prejudice against the Chinese in the circle. Boris is not racially discriminatory, but more or less feels that he does not pay much attention to it, but since he sat in this position, he is not so stupid. The expressions on their faces showed no other dissatisfaction.

"I'm surprised."

When Boris said these words, Jun Ci smiled slightly: "Surprise is right, Mr. Boris."

"Are you still studying? You are really very young."

"Yes, Mr. Boris. But when we meet this time, I also know that your time is precious, so Mr. Boris, I will not go around with you. You know that Silori Group recently launched a batch of smart dolls. They The sales are very good, so Mr. Boris should know that there must be corresponding smart technology behind our company, but this time, it is not this technology. This is just a necessary condition for you to be willing to meet with me."

Junci’s direct words have greatly improved Boris’s goodwill. He doesn’t like those who go in circles, especially Chinese, but Junci is obviously not the kind of Chinese he expected. It’s rare, and Boris agrees: "Of course. , To be honest, I also bought one for my daughter, she liked it very much, and I have to say, this technology is really amazing, but when you asked me, I knew you were talking about movie technology, Slowly Does the group have other heavyweight products that have not yet been launched?"

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