The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 872: You can count

"No matter what, you have to apologize to me for this matter, Shuanzi... Even the long-term grandfather came to me personally. If you don't apologize to the Song family, you have to apologize to him!"

Jiang Jianru knew that it was impossible to ask Jiang Yi to apologize to the Song family, so he retreated and asked him to say something to Old Man Xia.

This Jiang Yi can still be accepted. Anyway, the Song family has already received a lesson, and this lesson is enough to make them remember for a lifetime, and tell the old man Xia that it is not, Jiang Yi can still accept it.

After listening, he gave an "en" from his nose.

He didn't scream again, anyhow, it made Old Jiang's heart a little easier.

After a while, the next person reported: "Master Jun is here."

Jiang Yi instantly turned his head in surprise, "Junci is here?"

Old man Jiang became angry when he saw his performance, and screamed, "Stop!"

Jiang Yi reluctantly turned his head back and continued the penalty stop, but he still gave a quick command: "Please come in."

It was impossible to stop the guests from coming in. Jiang Jianru saw the servant leading the way and could only stare at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi now knows that Junci is coming, and his heart is exasperated. Regarding his grandfather's reaction, he has not seen everything.

In a short while, the gentle and elegant figure of the young man entered in the courtyard outside the door.

She is rarely seen wearing a gray windbreaker today, and her skin like snow is lined as white as a vampire.

When she walked in, Mother Jiang got up as soon as her eyes lit up to greet him: "Here?"

With a familiar and natural tone, he has obviously regarded Junci as a very close person.

Jun Ci nodded, and Yiyi summoned people: "Hello Auntie, Grandpa Jiang, I'll take a look at Jiang Yi."

When Jiang Yi heard that he was named, his ears moved.

Although he couldn't turn around, his body moved slightly and began to stand swaying. In the end, he couldn't hold back the gaze of Mr. Jiang, and he turned around and turned towards Junci: "Junci!"

With a joyful tone, he hasn't seen Jun Ci for a long time.

Jiang Jianru glared at this bad-hearted grandson, seeing that he didn't scold him on Junci's face, he just closed his eyes and closed his eyes, "Here, I heard that I'm going abroad recently?"

He seldom asked about Junci, and now that the other people in the room looked at the old man in surprise.

Junci, who was asked, nodded first: "Yes, I'm going to America."

Jiang Yi was not very happy when she heard that she was about to leave, so he lowered his eyebrows to look at Jun Ci. In front of Mr. Jiang and his mother, he couldn't pull Jun Ci, otherwise Jiang Jianru would have seen another sentence.

"It is a good thing for young people to be enterprising, but they must also take care of their studies."

Elder Jiang reminded him, and Mother Jiang answered, covering her mouth, "Dad, look at what you said, even if you don't learn, Jiang Yi can't keep up with Junci's grades."

Jiang Yi: "..."

Jun Ci was amused by Jiang's words, her lips twitched faintly, and she glanced at Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi was a little angry.

That's not good because the wife is too good.

Elder Jiang didn't expect that his daughter-in-law was so disregarded of his son's face, choked, waved her hand, got up to go back to her house.

Mother Jiang stepped forward to support him, winked at Jiang Yi and Jun Ci, and told them to return to Jiang Yi's house.

Jiang Yi immediately pulled Junci away with joy.

As soon as they left, Old Man Jiang glanced back, and suddenly said something meaningfully: "Are you not worried about your son?"

Jiang's mother was so smart, she instantly understood what Jiang Jianru meant, and said with a serious face: "Dad, you think too much, Jiang Yi is destined to inherit the Jiang family in the future, how can he let him be willful?"

Jiang Jianru nodded: "You can count."

Jiang Mu pursed her lips and smiled, can she not count it.

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