The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 878: The selection will be over and open

When Boris heard it, he felt a little more comfortable with Junci’s directness and nodded: “I also know that Beverly’s acting skills are actually good. I once had a friend who saw her movie and praised her. But you know, her identity and nationality... But this opportunity, I hope she can cherish it, she should be proud to know you."

Boris’s words are equivalent to holding Junci to a higher position than Mubaijun. Junci didn’t say anything. Boris meant that she was so determined to be her husband, and Mubaijun should know Junci People feel lucky.

"The male starring Alfonso Bernard, Ebenezer Early, Alan Gines, oh, you have Allen, agree with me."

Alan Gines is a 30-year-old mature and **** male star who has recently become a big hit in the United States. The road to fame is similar to that of Fu Zhisheng in China. Both his acting skills are not paid attention to until he is occasionally appreciated as a superhero. The film has become one of Hollywood's hottest stars in the past two years.

With his image, it is very suitable for this film, and Bai Laimen was also the most optimistic about him in advance. Junci's opinion made Boris more like it.

As for the heroine, Jun Ci also stood on the same level as Boris and chose an American glamorous actress Alta Johnson.

Alta is only twenty-five years old this year. She is considered an ultra-lucky actress in the United States from a small red to a big, her popularity has always been among the best and she is also an acting school.

However, in Jun Ci's view, the heroine in this film can be regarded as an essential adjustment. In fact, she herself is more optimistic about the role of Mu Baijun. If Mu Baijun really plays well, then she may be able to To create a miracle and become the first Chinese actress to leave a truly important impression in the psychology of European and American people is too important for Mu Baijun.

Junci and Boris discussed this afternoon, because there are no investors, they are almost the choice of actors. It is still early, and Bai Laimen held a meeting based on the list of actors decided by Boris and Junci. Except for Mu Baijun, there was indeed a wave of criticism, and he stayed with Boris's protection, and Bai Laimen began to send audition invitations to these actors.

However, what Jun Ci didn't expect was that there was no moth on the director's side, but some moth on the actor's side.

After Bai Lai Men's audition invitation was sent out, the Hollywood stars who got the invitation felt something was wrong.

Now the director selection meeting is starting, but Bai Laimen begins to send invitations at this time. Generally, the list is set by the director and the senior management of the producer, unless the director has no right to speak, so Bai Laimen first determines the actors. Up?

However, because of Bai Lai Men's quick decision, within half a month, they announced that the selection meeting was over.

The end means that the candidate for the director has been selected.

This time is inherently uncertain. It can only be said that Bai Laimen decided too quickly. However, among the news currently received by foreign media, none of the directors has expressed a clear chance. There is only one director they have not interviewed. Wind.

This director is the director emperor from China.

This idea immediately gave many media a bad feeling.

And on the day when Bai Lai Men announced the end of the selection meeting, the director officially announced it.


Bailaimen Legend Films: The selection will officially end. After many authoritative evaluations, we finally reached an agreement with the Chinese director emperor to invite the emperor to direct the shooting of the "Seventh Killer Space". The list of actors will be within one month. After the announcement, please wait and see!

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