The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 893: This director is very charming

The deterrence in her eyes was something Zhao Jinna had never felt before, and an unprovoked fear made Zhao Jinna lower her head subconsciously.

She bit her lip, calming the sudden fear in her heart, and even her heartbeat speeded up somehow.

Fingers were shaking slightly, and Boris next to him was impatient but still said apologetically: "Nellie, we can't say anything about the emperor's decision. Let's forget it this time..."

Forget it?

Although she did not dare to look at Jun Ci's eyes, Zhao Jinna was still not convinced.

How much effort did she put into this role, and even attended such a disgusting party with a superstar...

But in the end, it was only because of the sudden intervention of the emperor, a Chinese, that she lost this opportunity.

There was a gloomy twist on her face, but she knew that nothing might help.

Her loss was not so big.

"I know."

After Zhao Jinna said this, she turned and left.

Fortunately, not many people have come at the moment, and her ability to chase here cheeky is enough to represent her unwillingness.

One of her most valued roles just missed her.

There was a trace of resentment in Zhao Jinna's heart, but Jun Ci's eyes gave her a cold that she had never had before. She was scared in her heart, but she couldn't stop hating it.

Zhao Jinna's departure did not make Boris feel any sympathy. He probably knew that Zhao Jinna had paid some price for this role, and then the capital was like this, and the game would always sacrifice a group of people.

Jun Ci glanced sideways at Zhao Jinna's departure, and Gulu muttered in his heart: "His Royal Highness, this Zhao Jinna probably won't be willing."

Jun Ci nodded: "I can understand."

If she were Zhao Jinna, she would probably not be so reconciled.

Everyone knows the importance of this role, so Zhao Jinna is so angry.

Unfortunately, this is equivalent to competition, luck, and one of the indicators of strength.

Soon, the heroine Cecilia and the hero Alan also arrived.

One of these two people is a blonde beauty, the male protagonist is a typical American handsome man, and the female protagonist is a blond sweetheart, Hispanic style, and a healthy wheat color, which makes people feel energetic when looking at it.

However, her temperament is playful and makes people feel very happy when they look at it.

"Hello, Mr. Emperor."

"Hello, Emperor."

They almost reached the front and back heels, and greeted Jun Ci as soon as they arrived.

Although they all suspected that the emperor might be someone else, such as a 40-year-old man with cheeks, but seeing that there was only a teenager in the crew who wandered around idly, the sweetheart heroine first greeted Junci.

When she spoke, she gave people a sense of playful Coke, and Alan Genes at the back subconsciously hesitated for a while before tentatively speaking to Junci.

It was not until Jun Ci nodded and greeted the two that he was finally convinced that the young boy in front of him was really the emperor.

"Oh, did I really guess right?"

Seeing Junci's answer, Cecilia was very surprised, covering the corners of her mouth. The boy turned his head and smiled, "It means you are lucky today, Miss Cecilia."

She speaks normally, but her elegant English speaks with low mellowness, and there is always a sultry taste. Perhaps because of this reason, Cecilia laughed.

The actor felt that something was wrong with the scene.

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