The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 897: Because he is my boyfriend

The best is one thing, but it can't stop Jiang Yi's face now as black as the bottom of a pot.

His handsome face is even close to a distorted arc. He knows that Junci is a girl. It is one thing. However, Junci originally pretended to be a man because of psychological problems. I have seen countless girls want to approach Junci before. It was the first one to have such an intimate attitude with Junci.

Because Jiang Yi knows that Junci doesn't really like others being too close to her, even if she is a girl now, she gives privileges, why?

Even a woman is very dangerous!

What if the little **** really can't distinguish his gender, causing cognitive impairment, and fall in love with the same sex?

Suddenly, Jiang Yi's heart went back and forth, and he only felt that he wanted to squeeze the figure that was blocked by someone, and even more wanted to kill the one who was blocking him now.

His face was dark and composed, probably due to the influence of the magnetic field. People near the crew saw two inexplicable boys coming in again, looking at them, they were Asian.

The crew has a rule that unless necessary, the security will not let people in. How did the two get in?

Boris and Angus were just talking about Claire's approach to Junci. Now they saw two Asian boys approaching Junci aggressively.

Especially the shaved one, even if it has an Asian look, Boris can feel the strong and powerful aura emanating from the other party, which makes him look incredible.

Jun Ci felt something when the atmosphere was not right a long time ago. She subconsciously bypassed Claire's blocking figure, and saw Jiang Yi and Ji Moyin approaching aggressively.

Jun Ci slightly narrowed his eyebrows: "Guru, why don't you report?"

Guru: "..."

Pretending to be dead.

It just wants to see such a scene, how can it report it?

Claire felt the strangeness of Junci and followed her gaze, "What's wrong?"

Then I saw Jiang Yi.

Two tall Asian boys should be quite rare, right?

Especially the one wearing a black trench coat, with tall legs and long legs, taller than many men in life around Claire have seen.

The eye sockets are deep. If you look at it from the eyes of Europeans and Americans, you probably feel that the people in front of you are the top-notch ones in China.

It was the tightness of the jaw, and the cold breath of death exuded from the whole body. Especially when I saw myself turning around, his eyes seemed to be a bit more ferocious.

Frightened Claire's heart and liver rarely trembled: Is this man here to seek revenge?

When Jiang Yi was about to kill Jun Ci and even stretched out his hand to grab Claire and throw him away, the teenager sitting there was still noble and elegant, without any panic, and said calmly: " Introduce, this is my little aunt."


Jiang Yi's hands were frozen in the air. In an instant, Claire saw the boy in front of him as if his face changed. The fierce and wicked complexion that was just now softened instantly, not to mention that it was like a spring breeze. It was also very different from the murderous look just now, because he instantly remembered. Jun Ci does have a family abroad. He smiled and said, "Oh, hello, aunt."

He spoke in English instead, but Claire looked back at Junci in a daze, before reaching out tentatively, "Hello?"

Very puzzled, "Why do you call my aunt?"

Originally thought that Jun Ci would not answer, who knew that the boy’s simple words were shocking: "Because he is my boyfriend."

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