The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 902: Where is it different?

"What are these people thinking about all day? All ridiculous guesses are said."

Jiang Yi watched the speculations after the news was announced on the Internet. After seeing the malicious humiliation of Junci, his eyes sank and he threw the phone on the bed.

"Isn't that normal? There are people on the Internet."

Junci sat by the bed, watching the news from various parties with the iPad, and didn't care about the discussions on the Internet.

Jiang Yi leaned close to her and hugged Jun Ci's waist. At this time, he also found that Jun Ci's waist was also very thin. A slight touch can feel that there is no trace of fat on the waist. It stands to reason that such a figure is no longer suitable. A boy, when will Jun Ci discover that she already knows she is a girl, so she can confess to herself?

However, he is not in a hurry to urge him now, he knows that Junci has been raised as a boy since he was a child, and there may have been obstacles in his heart.

If I force her to admit it, there may be some bad consequences, so Jiang Yi can still hold back his anxiety now.

Public opinion on the Internet is being fermented, and Junci has chosen to focus on the reactions of all parties.

As she expected, the foreign media are not optimistic about this.

They originally had high hopes for the show, and now they feel that as long as a Chinese director comes to direct it, the film will have been ruined by more than half.

They seem to think that apart from foreign directors, Huaguo directors can't make any authentic science fiction blockbusters.

In fact, the previous Huaguo directors were weak in special effects. After all, the investment of both parties is not the same level. If you really want to say that the directors who shoot well, Huaguo must have a lot of them.

It's just that capital has restricted the development and rise of too many people.

Their opinion, Jun Ci, didn't care about it. After netizens criticized her wildly, there were other news about Mu Baijun's female supporting role.

The foreign media first released the news that the role originally belonging to Zhao Jinna (Nellie) was snatched by a Chinese actor Mu Baijun.

Mu Baijun once had a small reputation in Hollywood, but not many people knew about it. In addition to Zhao Jinna's wide audience, many foreign media would fight for Zhao Jinna, accusing Mu Baijun of being unkind in taking the role.

This is transmitted back to the country, I am afraid it will be used by all the black people of Mu Baijun.

However, at the beginning of the news, Junci saw that there was no big news, so he turned off the tablet.

Jiang Yi kept holding her and watched the news with her quietly. When he noticed that Jun Ci had exited the news interface, he rubbed her chin against her neck and asked, "Aren't you watching?"

"It's not interesting, it's all the same news."

With some coldness in his voice, Jun Ci tilted his head to look at him with a smile: "Why don't you go back to your room?"

"I don't want to go back so soon." Jiang Yi said, burying his head in her neck and shoulders, as if acting like a baby, "You didn't sleep with me one night. Can't you sleep together?"

Speaking of this, he thought of Junci's identity as a girl, and couldn't help but have some pleasant endings at the end of the words.

Jun Ci paused and said, "It was different last time."

She rarely dreamed of waking up in the middle of the night, so she went to find Jiang Yi and slept in the clothes, but it is obviously impossible now. Is she going to sleep in the clothes too?

It's so weird in winter.

Hearing the rare embarrassment in her words, Jiang Yi's voice became even lower: "Where is it different, eh...?"

While she was speaking, her lips had begun to trace her cheeks up her neck.

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