The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 908: Leave my crew! (Reward+)

After a while, two costumers came out.

They can only be called costumers now because they are the apprentices of the designer.

Two younger girls.

Because I graduated from a prestigious school and the craftsmanship is guaranteed, most of the costumes of the crew do not need to be too exquisitely designed, and some costume production designers are left to these two apprentices.

Seeing people coming out, Jun Ci raised his head to Mu Baijun, who had become increasingly uncomfortable, and said, "You go in and change your clothes."

Mu Baijun nodded, and the ninja still said in difficulty: "It's nothing big."

She knew that her Chinese identity might be targeted by the crew, but she didn't expect that she would get a slap in the face as soon as she came.

Looking at Jun Ci's appearance, she obviously wouldn't let it go, but Mu Baijun worried that Jun Ci's drama was not easy to come, and the opportunity was not easy, and he was unwilling to have too many conflicts with this group of local people.

When the two costumers came out, one was puzzled and the other with a guilty conscience on his face.

The face with a guilty conscience has freckles that are very popular among young people now. It looks just like an ordinary American girl. The other is similar to her, but it looks slightly sleek.

"Director, are you looking for us?"

When they came to Jun Ci, the puzzled girl spoke first.

She is Jesse, one of the designer's students.

Another person with a guilty conscience is called Lisa.

Jun Ci fixed his gaze on Lisa, and asked directly: “Beulah’s costume was notified by Bai Lai Men about the size modification and redo one month ago. Why didn’t you redo it? Who is responsible for this one? What happened, this dress almost strangled my actor just now. I can't believe that Bai Lai Men pays a high price for such a big mistake and asks you to be responsible for it!"

She shook her head and covered her face so that everyone around her could hear clearly. Jesse immediately looked at Lisa with a bit of surprise: "Didn't you say you changed it?"

Obviously, she didn't know it, and Lisa said she did it.

Lisa lied.

Lisa was a little guilty at first, but she didn’t know where she was emboldened. After listening to Junci’s accusation, she raised her head and said: “This is not to blame for us. We have too much work. We will need to revise it within a month. It’s too late to redo the size of the costumes of multiple actors! And the costumes are very well done and can be worn clearly. Redoing is a waste of this one. Why does Beula’s actors refuse to lose weight? Obviously, It's because she has no professional ethics!"

Her righteous words silenced the audience.

Although the crew can't help but want to agree with her, they still feel that their three views are not crooked. Even if the actor is a Chinese, but Bai Lai Men is an employer. Why don't you do it according to the employer's requirements?

Jun Ci laughed.

Her face wearing a mask suddenly approached Lisa. The girl in front of her was not short, but Junci’s one-meter-75-meter head could still look down on her a little bit, and she even had a strong oppressiveness because of her aura. The evil qi directly enveloped Lisa, causing her to suddenly have difficulty breathing, and subconsciously tilted her head to avoid the strong gaze, only to hear the boy in front of her utter a low voice with a cool smile in a word by word way.

"Beulah has no professional ethics, but you have no professionalism. I doubt why your teacher brought you here. I don't think you are suitable for the fashion designer industry. From now on, leave my crew! "

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