The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 910: No i want her to leave

However, Junci quickly turned around.

The boy's eyes were full of indifference at this time, and the crew quietly heard the sound of a needle falling to the ground.

Someone quietly took out the phone.

Mu Baijun changed his clothes and came out. Seeing the tense atmosphere on the scene, she felt bad. She didn't want to have a dispute with these foreigners because of her own Junci. She squeezed her clothes, and Mu Baijun slowly left. come.

"Mr. Mervyn Grantham, I remember that in the contract signed by Bai Lai Men, we asked you to make the costumes of the crew yourself, instead of bringing two students to do internships. Of course, we agree that your students have the same extraordinary talents as you, and the costumes they make do meet the requirements. However, they must also have a minimum of professionalism. The company replaced Beula’s actors a month ago. I asked you to modify her costume. Why didn’t you modify it? I even accused the actor of not having professional ethics to lose weight and force this costume? Mr. Mervyn, did your students learn from you like this?"

The eloquent passage was neither light nor heavy, but it focused all the contradictions very precisely.

Boris pressed his forehead.

He knew it!

The point is that the emperor is too famous.

It was indeed Merwen who signed the contract with Bai Laimen. However, he brought two students to the internship. Seeing that all the clothes were designed by him, Bai Laimen didn't care about it, but now his students are dead. Provoked the emperor...

Boris had never seen something so difficult to do.

If the emperor was really selected by the selection committee, then today they can unscrupulously favor Mervin students.

However, Junci is not!

She has absolute control over the crew, which was stated in advance.

Mervin was directly accused by Jun Ci. Although he was willing to protect his students, as Jun Ci said, his lack of professionalism is a more serious accusation than the matter itself.

If things spread out, he might not be able to stand in the line as a student.

The students brought out by Mervyn Grantham are not professional enough!

This heavy accusation is more like a slap cut on Mervyn's face.

Although his face was ugly, but he had to hold back the nameless fire that burst in his heart and put his hand on Lisa's shoulder: "This gentleman is right. This matter is indeed your responsibility. You should Apologize well, maybe he can forgive you."

Lisa was stunned.

She turned her head and glanced at her teacher, unable to believe it.

However, Mervin's eyes were all locked tightly on Jun Ci.

Over there, Jiang Yi and Ji Moyin both watched the show with smiles on their faces. People who dared to provoke Junci, they had seen them, and they had no good end.

Even if Jiang Yi dared to fight, is this group of people imaginary?

"Perhaps this is a misunderstanding. Of course, Miss Lisa, it is a pity that you did not complete the task we gave you well. I hope you can modify Beverly's suitable clothes as soon as possible..."

Boris made a round of speech, and he almost understood the ins and outs with two or three sentences. After all, the people here are all human beings.

However, Jun Ci directly refused to say: "No, I want her to leave."

Indifferent words do not allow any rejection.

Boris's face froze, helpless.

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