The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 927: Director who can fly

Alan Genes, let alone keep track of the position, he looked stupid.

When filming the movie, the action scenes were good, he hadn't seen him, especially those martial arts superstars, almost fisted.

However, the coercive scene was filmed in this way, without any post-production, directly showing the film effect, Alan has never seen it.

He was almost dumbfounded.

Jun Ci leaped around in mid-air a few times, which made people feel tight, but there would be no kind of feeling that she couldn't use her strength, even a false feeling.

She finished the demonstration easily, and then pressed the switch on her waist to slowly let the person down.

When Junci landed, the people around seemed to be echoing, and they were surprised.

"Oh my God, director, what is this, is your Chinese kung fu?"

"You can fly, you can fly!!!"

"The director can fly, my god!"

"The director should just shoot this scene..."

Excited foreigners suddenly exclaimed, even the action guide Alec came over and exclaimed: "Have you practiced before?"

His excited expression turned red: "Where did you learn in China, can I learn it too?"

After the staff released the pressure on his waist, Jun Ci only smiled and shook his head, without saying anything, but came to Ellen: "Have you seen the points I stepped on? I performed like just now. ."

Because it's a movie after all, she has made changes to the action and made a lot of fancy, making people look very smooth.

Allen was a little embarrassed: "I...I didn't see it clearly, but the footage was recorded, I'll watch it right away."

In fact, Jun Ci's movements were so surprising, so he didn't even notice which points Jun Ci had stepped on.

"it is good."

Cecilia also finished the filming of the scene. She was a little surprised at the sensational reaction of the people around her. She closed her eyes just now and didn’t know how Junci’s demonstration was. She immediately asked Allen: "The director demonstrated how about it?"

Allen gave a wry smile and opened his hands: "I think this director is testing me."

Although those few points are not difficult, it is basically impossible to achieve the smoothness of the director. I can only barely learn.

People always feel unbalanced in mid-air, and I don't know how the director maintains it.

When Jun Ci came to Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi grumbled and whispered: "You just hugged that woman."

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows to look at him: "You are all jealous of this? I am a demonstration after all, of course I have to hug."

Boris walked over and his eyes seemed to be shining: "Oh, my emperor, I really don't know how you did it. It was amazing. Your performance is the most powerful aerial performance I have ever seen! "

Claire followed. She was wearing a small high-profile dress and light-pink lipstick today, but she looked a little more delicate.

Looking at Jun Ci, he nodded slightly, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's just a demonstration of an aerial scene. Why, you and Josie have a good talk?"

"It's almost done. Josie has already gone to see the delivery equipment. I'm here to talk about another thing with you."

Boris had something to discuss with Junci, so he pulled Junci aside. In the crew, there were many people in the crew looking at the emperor with shining expressions, and they were full of awe-inspiring talking about the action that Junci demonstrated earlier After this incident, Junci's reputation in the crew is now extraordinary.

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