The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 936: an examination

Although it seems that Jun Chengbai was under house arrest for so many years, the relationship between Jun Chengbai and Jun Chengyue should not be bad.

Although I don't know what happened in the middle, if the original Jun Chengbai was like this, then he would definitely not have the opportunity to create such an expensive thing for Junci.

Jun Ci saw, Jun Chengbai saw the jade pendant, and his eyes gradually became focused. His pale lips moved, and they were even cracked and peeled, as if someone who hadn't had a sip of water for a long time finally grabbed the place of Ganquan. "It's... the little princess."

This sentence was very light, as if Jun Chengbai had said it in a breath.

Gulu caught it sensitively, and transmitted it to Junci simultaneously.

Jun Ci was startled.

The little princess, does it mean her?

Of course, it now appears that this is undoubtedly referring to her.

Jun Chengbai really still has memories of what happened back then.

Jun Chengbai moved his body, and he seemed to be calmed a lot, and even stretched out his hand, trying to grab this jade pendant, but he glanced at Junci and then shrank his hand back.

Jun Ci understood what he meant and took a step towards him: "This is for you."

After taking the medicine for so long, Jun Chengbai is sure that his IQ is still affected. It's not that he becomes a child. Maybe he will be slower in some aspects, just like an autistic patient does not want to touch the outside world.

Hearing Jun Ci's words, Jun Chengbai stretched out his hand timidly and grabbed the jade pendant.

As soon as Jun Ci released his hand, the jade pendant reached Jun Chengbai's open hand.

After getting the jade pendant, Jun Chengbai glanced at Jun Ci, and then quickly ran to the side, still not daring to get too close to Jun Ci.

However, he held the jade pendant, his expression was much quieter, and sat on the sofa, constantly looking at the jade pendant, saying something in his mouth: "Little princess, little princess..."

Every time, with incomparable love.

Unfortunately, the little princess in his mouth had already gone to another world.

The current Junci is just a lonely soul in another world who has occupied this body.

She suddenly felt a little sympathy.

She is unlikely to give birth to this kind of emotion, probably because of the blood relationship with Jun Chengbai, his emotions can even more arouse Jun Ci's heart.

Although he has become a little more stupid than before, he still has such a big reaction to his daughter after so many years.

After a while, a doctor in a white coat carrying a white suitcase came in outside the door.

Seeing another person in the room suddenly made the doctor startled.

Gulu immediately gave information. This was originally one of the private doctors assigned to Jun Chengyue by Jun Chengyue. This time he hijacked the machine and saved the doctor's life, but it is impossible to release it. If you want to survive, you can only continue to take care of it. Jun Chengbai.

The one who can appear here hastily must be a group of mercenaries on the island. The doctor was a little surprised to see the amazing beauty of this young man, and then he discovered that this young man seemed...very similar to the people in the house.

He shuddered in his heart, and hurriedly said, "I'll check him on time."

Jun Ci nodded slightly, he was relieved to go over to Jun Chengbai to check after he got his approval.

Although he doesn't know who this young man is, the doctor knows that he must be a remarkable person, and he is noble and powerful, like a sullen king, no worse than his former loyal master.

He used to lift up the sleeves of Jun Chengbai. Jun Chengbai, who was very defensive to Junci, seemed to have no feeling for the doctor's contact. Yes, he lifted his sleeves for inspection.

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