Guru's sudden reminder made Jun Ci regain her senses. She raised her eyebrows, the corner of her lips brought out Ruo Ruo No news, and walked outside the villa.

Jun Chengbai looked at her back, stood up silently, and walked behind her, but when he reached the door of the villa, he did not dare to step out.

He looked up at the sky, and the sun shone through the gaps in the fog, bringing a different kind of scenery to the island.

Bright and bright.

It seems that I haven't seen it in a long time.

He looked at the sky outside, a little startled.


Jun Ci answered the phone and should be lazy.

"Ahem, Jun Ci."

Jun Chengyue coughed twice and called out her name: "I heard you are busy in America?"

Jun Ci pursed his lips and smiled deeper and deeper: "Yes, I am very busy. Uncle Chengyue, why are you coughing and sick?"

"Hehe, a little thing."

He didn't deny anything, just as if he didn't take it seriously, but he inquired a little: "Has anyone come to you recently?"

He finally suspected Jun Ci.

Although his monitoring indicated that Junci did not have such capabilities.

The key is that the plane suddenly disappeared. Jun Chengyue couldn't think of anyone who had the ability to do this kind of thing under his nose.

And now, the route that the Canadian Aviation Administration has checked does not find any clues.

Without any clue, this is an incredible thing in Jun Chengyue's eyes.

When he was in the hospital, he unexpectedly thought of this mysterious young man, so he made this call.

"There are a lot of people looking for me. They all want to mix roles. Is there anything wrong?"

Junci avoids the heavy and takes the light.

No matter what, Jun Chengyue doubted her at most, it was impossible to really know that Jun Chengbai was in her hands now.

Jun Chengyue was silent for a while, and for a long while, his voice resounded again in an elegant and calm voice, "Uncle never asked you one thing, do you miss your father?"

"I don't want to."

The boy said these words decisively, and then saw Jun Chengbai stepping out from the door of the villa.

He looked at one side blankly, as if a little at a loss, not knowing which way to go.

Jun Ci's answer caused Jun Chengyue to fall into a dead silence.

After a long while, he ended the call with a meaningless "I got it".

He should be just to test Jun Ci, but he couldn't test out anything.

Jun Ci would never show him the bottom.

After hanging up the phone, Jun Ci looked at Jun Chengbai.

The sun shone straight down from the clouds, and when it hit the man, it seemed to give him a layer of holy light.

His skin was already pale and almost transparent, and under such irradiation, there was almost a sense of transparency that he wanted to emerge at any time.

He didn't see much sunshine all year round, stayed for a minute, and then shrank inside the villa.

The island was surrounded by mercenaries standing guard, and Jun Ci appeared here for the first time. Even when standing guard, many people still focused on her.

"Hey, that's our employer?"

"It should be, Kurt said he had something wrong with coming over, he looks so young."

"It looks like a mixed race, from Eastern Europe?"

"Be quiet, can you guess the identity of the employer?"

"What happened to the plane we hijacked the other day?"

The whispers around didn't make Junci pay much attention, she beckoned, calling Kurt over.

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