The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 941: New book "Star Power"

As a celebrity, Claire will give face to her party requirements, even if they are not very familiar.

It is conceivable that there should be many celebrities at the party.

And Claire also used the name of Little Aunt.

Jun Ci has already felt the curiosity of many people around who want to see gossip but dare not look in person.

She lifted her lips and shook her head directly: "No time, don't go."

The decisive refusal made Claire's face changed slightly.

There was a slight look on her always beautiful face, and she bit her lip tightly.

"Forget it."

Claire made a free and easy gesture. After Junci refused, he waved his hand and left directly.

Even without anyone else, Claire would still feel embarrassed in her heart.

Jun Ci lowered his head and squeezed the tips of his fingers, with a meaningful smile on his face.

No matter what Claire said, she tried her best not to have too much contact with this woman, after all, she obviously wanted to deal with the Austin family in the future.

The days were calm and calm. Except for the fact that the "Daily Media" initially reported on Junci's interview, there were not many formal reports except for the gossip, because Junci stayed directly on the crew and heard no gossip. .

Even if Claire's story goes out, there is no substantive contact, it is just some rumors that the foreign media dare not write.

In this time, Jun Ci finally had time to start paying attention to his second novel.

Except for the "Interstellar Glory" series, this new story is indeed my second novel.

She didn't go in a grand pattern this time, but a bit biased towards the European and American style, telling power in love.

Of course, the same is using interstellar as the background.

This story was conceived by Junci earlier. At that time, the idea was to advance the TV drama market in Europe and the United States, so this novel appeared as a TV script.

The story still took place in the interstellar era, but this time Junci directly substituted into the imperial background of his interstellar era, telling the love story of the only crown prince and poor girl who wants to inherit the throne.

In other words, it's a pretty **** story. The love between these two people is based on the struggle of power.

But TV series want this form.

But this crown prince Junci did not substitute for himself, but a completely fictional one.

Amos. Calvert is the illegitimate son of the Emperor of the Star Empire, but he is the only son of the Emperor.

Originally above him, there were two older sisters who could inherit the throne, but they died one after another. The blood of the royal family was facing interruption, and the old emperor was forced to take Amus back to the royal family.

Imus grew up living with his poor mother, and the heroine Annette. Gray was originally a childhood sweetheart, but was brought into the royal family when he was 10 years old, separated from the heroine.

The interstellar age at this time, of course, is the supremacy of science and technology, and human civilization has developed to an unprecedented height, but there are some special bloodlines, witches and supernatural beings that were left behind by the main planet Earth.

Humans can consciously awaken the supernatural beings, but the Witch Clan cannot. The Witch Clan is inherited.

In the empire at this time, except for the supernatural beings, the blood of the Witch clan had gradually lost its way.

However, ten thousand years ago, the most powerful wizard of the Witch tribe was sealed, and the power was passed on to the descendants, who were the royal blood of the empire.

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