The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 947: Domineering prince fell in love with me

"Just watch it then."

When this matter came to the bottom, Jun Ci would almost be able to figure out the opposite of Jun Chengyue and himself.

Although for this person, I didn't like it at first.

"In addition to recovery, he is too weak to ask the doctor to develop a systematic exercise method."

In the old castle, there is no sunshine all year round, and the body is weak to a point. Junci does not like such people.

"I will do what my Highness says, and Guru will make a reasonable training plan."

Jun Ci nodded slowly, then suddenly thought of Jun Chengyue: "Is Jun Chengyue still looking for?"

"Yes, I'm still looking for it. It's impossible to give up in a short time."

Jun Ci hooked his lips.

Still looking for.

According to this sign, Jun Cheng Bai was obviously missing, and he was still so persistent. It can be seen that Jun Cheng Bai is indeed very meaningful to Jun Chengyue.

"By the way, your Majesty, last time you told Gulu to check the people around Jun Chengyue, through the hospital he passed through, you found some clues. If there is no error in the analysis, Jun Chengyue should have had serious problems when he was a child. The cause of this mental illness is unknown, but since then, he has been sent to Canada for recuperation and treatment. Jun Chengyue is extremely smart, even horribly smart, and he is moody. Although pretending to be calm outside, the two brothers Jun Shenglian and Jun Zhiyi are a little afraid of him."

"According to the survey data, Jun Chengyue has not been sick for so many years. The main reason may be Jun Chengbai."

The reason for not getting sick is Jun Chengbai?

This is quite interesting.

And this information has been there for many years, and Gulu can only find some corner information, why Jun Chengyue has mental illness, and what kind of illness is unknown.

But anyway, this person is a very dangerous person.

"I'll see him at the end of the month."

As the New Year is approaching, she is going back to China, and she doesn't have much time to see Jun Chengbai. Besides, the island has a pleasant climate and nothing will happen to Jun Chengbai there. She is also relieved.

The scenes of the crew are different from before, because it takes a long time to change the technical equipment to shoot.

New Year's Eve is only a short month away.

Relatively speaking, people from abroad are not so strong in the year, and the rhythm is still the same busy.

Since the last time Junci refused to go to Claire's party, she hadn't come to Junci again, as if she couldn't hold back this face.

However, Jun Ci's new novel has officially begun serialization.

But in Junci’s novels, most of the readers were male at the beginning. However, due to the wonderful story structure and the film influence of Junci’s director, the number of female readers and fans in the back began to increase, but when everyone saw it When the second novel was a dog-blood novel by women, I was dumbfounded.

[Zhi, how come the first few consecutive chapters of the new novel are all visual narrations by the heroine? Is this a female-oriented novel? 】

[Although the emperor’s writing style and style are not said, but I faintly saw a little bit of a precursor to the story of dog blood...]

[Annette Gray has the temperament of the heroine of Mary Su’s novel... I can’t believe this is a novel written by the emperor]

[Maybe the heroine is going to find the prince when she is an adult, and then the prince has been obsessed with the heroine for many years, what's the matter, the emperor turned to write that the domineering prince fell in love with me? 】

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