The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 954: The gap between **** and man

When Shi Lixiao sent out that Weibo message, he never expected such a thing to happen.

He successfully forced the emperor to admit his identity, but this identity would only be replaced by a nightmare, and the retribution would be on him.

With such a hot flow of the emperor, one can imagine how many fans will attack Li Xiao in the future.

What about cheating, this is, Chang Nima is such a beautiful face hidden behind the public?

Isn't this annoying?

Until the evening, Weibo barely returned to normal after emergency repairs, but under the Weibo where the emperor disclosed his identity, there were nearly 500,000 comments and millions of reposts and likes...

What is this concept?

That's the heat that Weibo's so-called top traffic can't reach.

It's just a few hours.

And the emperor, she is not a star, she is a director!

If a director has this kind of influence, she is almost doomed to fail in her career, okay?

Looking at the emperor's Weibo comments again, it was all a group of Yan dogs who had broken the three views, and they all said that they would support the emperor's movie for a lifetime.

The stars:...

When you usually scold them for no acting skills, you don't say that!

Then they also understood some things, why at the beginning Ke Weiwei preferred to be refrigerated to support the emperor, and why Mu Baijun was able to stay away from the shadows for a few years before being invited by the emperor.

Face is really a big killer!

However, the shocking thing is not as simple as the emperor’s disclosure. With the release of this photo, many people know that the emperor is the younger brother of Longfu University.

Everyone knows that those who can enter Longfu University must be the most outstanding academic masters. Just entering Longfu is enough to make people glorious, let alone the emperor who is an accomplished director.

Even the official Weibo of Longfu University, who has always been serious in style, expressed opinions on this matter.

Longfu University V: The school grass really is so powerful, Weibo has collapsed, and we call crazy for our school grass brother.

——Hahahahahahaha, the school grass brother is still a super college tyrant. He is still the first place in the professional department when he is filming outside, and the back-to-school exam is still the first place in the professional department. Jealousy makes me separate

——CALL CALL for the Jun School Grass!

——You are the official blog of Longfu University, please pay attention to your ethics!

-Jealousy makes my hair split ends

-Seeking the mental shadow area of ​​Mr. Jiang 23333, it is clear that people are the authentic school grass 23333

——The General Party stated that this is the basic operation of learning God, please sit down!

Longfu University is serious and not serious, but it is not only Weibo netizens who follow Longfu University, but there are also many people who are active on the Internet at Longfu University. They revealed more news. Just look at it. Hot comments can make the eyeballs of the people who eat melons fall.

Even if the beauty of the **** level is fine, it still looks like a super-student?

Of course, the people who eat melons say they don’t understand some generals, but it does not prevent them from understanding some amazing news.

In the end, seeing that Junci had made the news public, some insiders said that they could not sit still, and came out to popularize science again for netizens who had not had time to recover.

That is about the emperor's status in Longfu. After reading the popular science microblog, Gujiagua netizens said that people like the emperor are taught by God to teach people to be human, so that mortals know what is the difference between **** and man.

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