Junci saw a large number of such messages in his private message.

[Husband, what's the matter, why suddenly there is a younger sister in our family? 】

[Husband, do you know that eternal daughter-in-law? 】

[Husband, the eternal daughter-in-law did it on your face, right]

Of course, such a message was sent by fans who regarded Junci as her husband.

When Jun Ci saw it, his original dull mood was a little bit dumbfounding.

She saw Jiang Yi publicize her photo.

She doesn't often show people in women's clothing. It's just an accident now. Of course she will change back to men's clothing when she goes back. So Jiang Yi announced the announcement without showing her full face, so she didn't really recognize her.

However, Junci still admires those netizens who think they are similar to the emperor by looking at the profile, and even suggest whether the emperor is dressed as a woman.

These people are super observational.

But she is a woman herself, darlings!

There is no such thing as a man pretending to be a woman.

Of course, Junci will not jump out to explain such things, and can only treat it as if he hasn't seen it, and it will be better to develop naturally.

Such a happy mood didn't last long. The bad news came from Grandma Chang, who originally thought she could last a few days, and passed away the next night in the hospital.

Jun Ci was originally lying on the bed to rest, but after receiving Gulu's news, he almost got up and rushed to the hospital.

She is not a regular family member, so she can't stay in the hospital, otherwise it would be too suspicious.

When she heard the news of Grandma Chang's passing, she felt an immense grief and dull pain in her heart.

She lost a person whom she could call her respect and closeness.

When I went to the hospital, the cry of Chang's family came from far away, and along with the early morning night outside the hospital, Junci had a deep bone marrow cold.

Standing outside the crowd, she almost fainted when she saw Chang Hexin and Yi Gan inside crying.

Grandma Chang treated people kindly throughout her life. Even if her children were often separated, she would still be sad for the death of the old man.

She stood here, although it felt abrupt, but the grief of passing away was greater than all.

She saw Grandma Chang's body lying down by the doctor, which had to be transported to the morgue, and then pulled away for incineration.

This is something that was arranged long ago, but after it happened, it was still somewhat unacceptable.

Grandpa Chang was also among a group of children, watching Grandma Chang's body being pushed out, tears crying: "Why did you go like this! You told me to be alone in the future, what should I do!!!"

So desperate, even after saying this, he almost didn't give up his breath.

The children behind them also hurriedly held Grandpa Chang Shunqi while crying, fearing that something might happen to him.

Except for the regular family members, the people around are more or less indifferent or scared.

In the hospital, dead people are not uncommon.

Most of them avoided long distances.

This is the first time that Junci has faced the death of others directly. She is not afraid of the old man at a hundred steps. She knows that she has disappeared forever.

Hua Guo believes in reincarnation, saying that perhaps a kind person like Grandma Chang will be able to have a good baby again in her next life.

Jun Ci was in the crowd and bit her lip firmly. When Grandma Chang was pushed to see peace by the doctor, she finally closed her eyes, turned her head bitterly, and left here.

In the early hours of the winter night, it was extremely cold. Looking up to the sky, Jun Ci seemed to be able to see the old man's kind and friendly smiling face.

"Porcelain...good, good..."

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