This villa is called Yala Villa, and inside is a villa area of ​​villa style. Each villa has a separate area. Claire said it is next door to Junci, which is far away.

It's just the nearest one.

The surrounding area is not only able to block the paparazzi, but the houses of several superstars in the outermost area have been blocked, so Junci does not need to worry about any privacy leakage.

She had seen the house and quickly agreed.

From signing the contract to directly moving in, almost nothing made the agent bother.

It's very good for her senses.

When she moved here, Nie Weiyuan from China called her. Now that the company has grown to a certain scale and the game has become popular, she is now preparing to develop new online games and has entered the basic stage. , Let Jun Ci go back and have a look.

Jun Ci thought for a while, and the filming was over in two months, so Nie Weiyuan started planning in two months, when she would go back.

Because in the later stage of the film, only grunt is needed, and no one else is needed to help.

The house is very big, Jun Ci thought for a while, and simply asked Gulu to find a way to transport the piano, so as not to live alone in the villa.

But it's not just Claire who lives here at Junci.

And the superstar who had been involved with her, Frank Wings.

This Frank once made public the news that he was engaged to the Chinese actress Ji Meng, which had an impact on Junci's publicity.

A lot of turmoil was also involved at that time.

It has been a long time since Ji Meng disappeared from the circle, but this Hollywood legendary superstar still has the same status, just a few fans are missing.

After Jun Ci came to Hollywood, he had nothing to do with the superstar.

But this time, as soon as Junci moved in, several nearby superstars quickly learned about it.

That night, a person whom Jun Ci had never expected came to the door.

Someone rang the doorbell, and when she opened the door, she saw the Hollywood superstar, the famous tramp dressed in a nightgown with a plate of cookies in her hand, and greeted Junci with a smile: "Hello, Emperor, I’m Frank Wengers, as your neighbor, I feel it is necessary for me to visit you."

"His Royal Highness, he lives in a mansion nearly a kilometer away from you. How can he say he is a neighbor?"

Jun Ci: "...Because the house is big, counting forward is indeed a neighbor."

"come in."

She calmly invited Frank in.

In all fairness, this tramp has his capital.

Nearly fifty years old, his charm is still undiminished, and there is even a kind of maturity that has been accumulated over the years. His facial features are magnificent, and he can imagine his style when he was young.

Even now, he is well maintained, and there are still a lot of women willing to rush into his arms.

If it weren't for Ji Meng's last time, Junci would not feel bad about this Hollywood superstar.


One thing destroys the impression.

Regarding his visit today, Jun Ci did not expect and was a little surprised. I don't know what Frank thought.

"Wow, I just moved in today. The house looks empty? I don't know what style you like, but I have a few suitable decoration designers to recommend to you."

As soon as he came in, he looked around very familiarly, and the topic went up very quickly, making Jun Ci a faint smile: "The famous Hollywood superstar, Frank Wengers, are you coming to visit me, what's the matter? ?"

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