The National Goddess Signs the Mecha, and The Loyal and Fierce Fleet is Exposed

Chapter 109 The Nantianmen Base Recovers! ! May There Be An Afterlife...

Research Institute, Starship General Research Project Department.

This department is composed of dozens of research groups.

It contains the various systems research groups that make up the starship.

At this time, here is a busy scene.

These scientific researchers have been working here for several months. Apart from resting for five or six hours a day, they have never left even for meals.

Almost wholeheartedly, day and night, he conquered every technical problem.

Zhong Zhenli was also in the project department at this time.

In front of him is a mountain of various materials.

The floor of the office is also full of paper documents and papers filled with complicated formulas.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

Zhong Zhenli picked up the phone, and a voice came from inside immediately.

"Academician Zhong, there is a new situation on the other side of the starry sky!"

Hearing this, Zhong Zhenli suddenly raised his gaze, which was still looking at the documents on the table.

"I am coming over now!"

When the words fell, he hung up the phone directly.

Zhong Zhenli couldn't wait to get up, and walked towards Tianning, the monitor on the other side of the scientific research institute.

Since the launch of the Shuguang satellite, the signal sent to the starry sky battlefield has not been interrupted.

The real-time images over there have also been under observation by the monitoring department.

At this moment, the news from Lu Li is undoubtedly the most important thing.

Even the transfer of just one starship is enough to cause vigilance.

What's more, the call from the monitoring hall shows that the situation must not be that simple.

Zhong Zhenli frowned slightly, and while walking quickly to the monitoring hall, he kept guessing in his heart.

Could it be that the thing that Lu Li said to be sent back last night has already set sail so soon?

Or... Zerg?

With a slightly apprehensive mood, he walked into the monitoring hall.

At this time, many people had gathered in the monitoring hall, and even Jiang Guotao took time out of his busy schedule to come over, and everyone's eyes were "on the screen in the middle of the hall.

"What's the situation!" Zhong Zhenli came to Jiang Guotao's side and asked with a frown.

Jiang Guotao glanced back at him, then his eyes returned to the screen in the hall, and a steady voice came to Zhong Zhenli's ears:

"Since last night, Lu Li seems to be inspecting the entire base. This morning, the bottom of the Nantianmen Base suddenly burst out with energy flames. Now... the entire base has been illuminated!"

At this time, Zhong Zhenli also saw clearly the situation on the screen in the hall.

The Nantianmen Base, which was originally dilapidated and dead, has regained its vitality at this time, and the production lines have started up again, and those damaged starships are also slowly docking to the dock.

Countless intelligent robots are repairing the damaged parts of the starship.

On the other side, a large number of intelligent battle mechas were also dispatched.

Batch after batch, they kept flying towards the starry sky, cleaning up the tragic battlefield left over from the great war ten years ago, and kept recovering dilapidated starships one after another, even the corpses of the Zerg race were not spared.

Those Zerg corpses are not only of research significance, but the whole body is also a precious resource.

Their body composition is different from that of Common Zerg. The hard outer shell and insect limbs can be decomposed and forged into special synthetic materials, which are very strong in terms of hardness and toughness.

The decomposed materials, after special treatment, can be directly used in the manufacture of starships and mechs.

The recovered starship and Zerg corpses were decomposed into the most primitive basic materials through the activated Nantianmen base, and distributed to various production lines.

At this moment, the entire Nantianmen base seemed to be alive again.

"I knew that with him here, the Nantianmen base would definitely be able to regain its vitality!"

There was light in Zhong Zhenli's eyes, and he was obviously a little excited.

On the side, Jiang Guotao also nodded in agreement.

"Who would have thought that the dilapidated Nantianmen Base would come back to life in such a short period of time. Judging from the current situation, Lu Li already has a series of plans!

"As long as there is time, we will definitely be able to rebuild a powerful star fleet!"

The light in Zhong Zhenli's eyes froze suddenly, and then his expression gradually became serious.

"I'm afraid... I don't have much time!"

After the words fell, the two fell into silence.

At this time, Nantianmen seems to have restored its former glory, but both of them are very clear that this is just an illusion on the surface, so many starships need to be repaired, and a huge starship group must be rebuilt.

It all takes time, and what they and Lu Li lack most now is time...

"Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we have no reason to give up!"

Zhong Zhenli suddenly said in a deep voice: "Lu Li is doing everything possible to build a defense, just to buy us more time, and the progress on our side... must continue to speed up

"I see!"

Jiang Guotao nodded, with a sharp look in his eyes.

The two fell into silence again, watching the light coming from the Nantianmen base.

His eyes became more and more determined.

"Is this picture still being broadcast live?"

Zhong Zhenli asked suddenly.

Jiang Guotao nodded and explained:

"Next, until we disconnect from Starry Sky Battlefield, the live broadcast will not stop, not only to let the public understand the situation there, but also to centralize power

He looked at Zhong Zhenli and didn't say anything further.

Zhong Zhenli nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, although there is already a tendency to unite on Blue Star.

However, this matter is not as simple as imagined.

If you want to complete the centralization as soon as possible, you must have a stronger crisis oppression.

And the situation on the starry sky battlefield is undoubtedly the most powerful reason.

Facing the invasion of alien Zerg, there is no reason for any country in the world to remain silent and perfunctory.

The global live broadcast can promote the formation of the federation faster.

Of course, this live broadcast is like a double-edged sword. Once the public opinion is not well controlled, it is very likely to cause chaos in the entire Blue Star and plunge mankind into panic.

But since the above has made such a decision, there will naturally be a way to deal with it.

The best way is undoubtedly to control public opinion.

Let this battle become a battle for the protection of human beings.

Push the emotions of all the people to the direction of protecting the blue star and fighting for mankind.

In this way, as long as there is hope, there will be no chaos within the human race.

"Look, it's Lu Li!!!"

In the hall, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Both Jiang Guotao and Zhong Zhenli stopped thinking, looked up at the screen again.

At the same time, countless people on the Internet are paying attention to Lu Li's movements.

Including Internet users.

When Lu Li reappeared on the screen, there was an instant burst of barrage on various live broadcast platforms.

"The Nantianmen base came alive, Lu Li created a miracle again!!!"

...asking for flowers...

"Looking at it this way, it shouldn't take long for the Nantianmen base to return to its former glory..."

"Great, the Great Wall of Starry Sky is standing still, and the Zerg cannot cross the line!! He Lu Li is the fortress!!!"

"Lu Li, what is this going to do, to launch a starship?"

"Is that... Lu Li mentioned last night... the starship that is about to return to Blue Star with the remains of other watchmen and the latest technology?"

Everyone's heartbeat suddenly stagnated, and Zu, who was watching the live broadcast, became more focused.

In the picture, there is a platform in the center of the magnificent Nantianmen base.

A starship was quietly docking there, and two teams of smart mechas were slowly walking out of the heavenly fortress, one of which was holding ice coffins in their hands.

The other team held clothes boxes one by one.

Both the ice coffin and the clothes box are covered with red flags.

It was the body and clothes of the martyrs.

At the end, there was a lone mech holding a life support pod in his hand.

Inside, Li Xiaoyun's petite body was sleeping quietly, and even though her handsome and heroic figure was asleep, she still had a sonorous temperament.

Because of the long period of deep sleep, his face was pale, and he looked a little sick and haggard, which aroused pity.

The mecha stopped quietly in front of Lu Li, and then they all knelt down on one knee, and placed the ice coffin and clothes box in their hands, as well as Li Xiaoyun's life-support warehouse, in front of Lu Li, "arranged neatly.

Lu Li stepped forward and gently wiped each ice coffin, sorting out the nameplates and relics on the ice coffin.

He wiped all the clothes boxes again, and a murmuring voice came out from the external speaker of the communicator.

It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.

"Being away for thirty years,'s time to go home..."

"This farewell, I don't know when I can see you again"

"Walk slowly on the road...hope for an afterlife!"

Mumbling softly, the tone is very calm.

He is a staunch materialist, but the people in front of him, as well as the parents who haven't seen each other for thirty years, make him hope that he will have an afterlife...

Just to meet again...

Sit under the big banyan tree to reminisce about the old days, sit next to Qingshi and chat with old friends...struggle together in the research institute.

Everything has disappeared in smoke now, and I only hope for the afterlife, which may relieve the pain of my mind.

Under Lu Li's calm words, it made countless netizens feel distressed.

After saying goodbye to the group of partners, Lu Li came to Li Xiaoyun's life support warehouse again, took out a letter, and put it in the storage box of the life support warehouse.

"Xiaoyun, the future is in your hands..."

After the words fell, he stood up suddenly and drank softly.


The intelligent mechs acted in unison, and picked up the ice coffin and clothes box again.

Li Xiaoyun's survival warehouse was also gently lifted up by the last mech.

With solemn and solemn steps, he walked step by step towards the starship that had already been ignited.

"Goodbye... May the journey home be smooth!"

Looking up at the starship slowly ascending into the sky, the azure blue rays of light lined up and drifted away.

In the end, on the back of the dark red star, it passed through the wormhole and disappeared...

Only the mechanical sound was left, slowly echoing in the ears.

[The wormhole teleportation is successful, and the starship will arrive at Blue Star in three days! Knife].

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