The National Goddess Signs the Mecha, and The Loyal and Fierce Fleet is Exposed

Chapter 157 Zerg That Has Disappeared For Twenty Years!

Inside the Silver White starship, a blurred figure was looking at the Fallen Leaf.

At this time, a message suddenly appeared on the information platform.

It was a probe message sent by Xu Zeqing to the alien starship in the Fallen Leaf.

Looking at the message, the alien creature's mood obviously fluctuated, and the fuzzy substance surrounding it trembled, and then the figure appeared floatingly on the other side of the main control room.

"It's our language, how can these things know our language!"

On the information platform, the information sent by Xu Zeqing was not arranged in the way of human civil servants.

This makes the alien creatures on the silver starship feel even more bizarre.

On the Fallen Leaf, Xu Zeqing was also a little strange, and couldn't help but speak.

"Commander Li, aren't these the characters used by the alien civilization technology that you discovered on the starry sky battlefield 20 years ago? Why did you let me use this kind of characters 11

Before he finished speaking, Xu Zeqing's face suddenly became stiff.

At this time, he seemed to understand Li Xiaoyun's intentions.

"Could it be that this starship is the technological civilization destroyed by the Zerg?"

"I can't confirm for the time being, but the styles of their starships are somewhat similar...."

Li Xiaoyun explained lightly.

At this moment, there was a gleam in her eyes.

The starship that appeared here reminded her of many problems.

Why are they here?

Has this starship discovered the existence of Blue Star?

What is their purpose in coming to the solar system?

These issues need to be clarified.

But now, she doesn't have much time to get entangled with this starship. Lu Li's life or death on the starry sky battlefield is unknown, and the situation is urgent.

Thinking of this, she has already made a decision in her heart.

"Did they reply to the message?"

Li Xiaoyun asked Xu Zeqing.

Xu Zeqing shook his head and said, "No, after sending the message, the other party didn't respond!"

Li Xiaoyun's eyes sank slightly, then he ordered:

"Ignore him for now, let's go to the starry sky battlefield immediately!"

Lu Li and the others have just experienced a big battle. If they were injured, the result might be different if they went a minute later. They don't have time to spend with this starship right now.

No matter what their purpose of appearing in the solar system is, if they are not strong enough, they will not be eligible for equal dialogue. The most important thing now is the Nantianmen base.

Only by taking over the Nantianmen base again can we have the ability to confront this alien technological civilization.

If they really misunderstood the Blue Star Map, only when the Nantianmen base is revived can they have the strength to come back. No matter what the situation is, the Nantianmen base is the most important.

After the order was issued, Xu Zeqing did not hesitate at all.

After re-planning the route, the starship spewed out a blue tail flame and flew towards the space wormhole at extreme speed.

On the other side, the alien creature who was checking the data found that the Fallen Leaf had disappeared within the detection range, and his figure suddenly became blurred, and he returned to the main console.

"It's gone...they entered the space wormhole and went to that battlefield!!''''''''''

The vague figure looked at the information desk again.

There, the message sent by the Fallen Leaf is still there.

However, the fuzzy creature fell into silence.

That battlefield is a restricted area that even they... dare not step into easily!

Thinking of this mission, the vague figure trembled again.

Whispering whispers sounded in the main control room.

"Twenty years have passed... The Zerg has disappeared for twenty years, and the mopping up should have appeared long ago..."

"There must have been something unknown to our people in that starry sky battlefield!"

"Would you like to go and check...but in case the place is already occupied by Zerg..."

"But... that starship with our technology, why dare to step into that starry sky..."

"No, let's wait and see...Maybe, we can find the observation equipment left by our family on that battlefield. If we can activate the observation equipment, we can see the situation of the factory over there..."

The murmured whispers grew softer.

Obviously, this vague creature is in awe of the starry sky battlefield.

Even if you have come to the entrance of the wormhole, you only dare to hide secretly, and dare not enter and check easily.

After all, the White starship did not dare to keep up with the Fallen Leaf and entered the wormhole.

It's just that in the fragmented star belt, his figure was hidden again.

On the vast starry sky battlefield, the brilliant light of the wormhole suddenly trembled slightly.

Afterwards, the Fallen Leaf suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

After passing through the wormhole, Li Xiaoyun didn't stop there.

Go directly towards the depths of the starry sky battlefield at extreme speed.

The Fallen Leaf was surrounded by countless icy Zerg corpses, among which were countless shattered mecha wreckage, and the huge starship was floating in the void with many scars.

The Fallen Leaf is getting closer and closer to the Nantian Gate.

Li Xiaoyun's heart also lifted a little bit.

Finally, the dilapidated Nantianmen base was already visible to the naked eye.

Seeing the Nantianmen base that was almost in pieces at this moment, her heart trembled violently.

Xu Zeqing on the side also had a heavy expression.

The Warrior and scientific research personnel on the starship looked out of the window and saw the dilapidated Nantianmen. At this moment, they all felt a sense of sadness welling up in their hearts.

The images of the previous battle kept flashing in their minds.

Looking at the dead silence and coldness, there is an extremely unreal feeling.

Life, in this starry sky battlefield, is as insignificant as cosmic dust.

It makes people involuntarily feel awe.

"Send a signal to Nantianmen Base immediately!"

Li Xiaoyun's slightly trembling voice sounded.

Xu Zeqing was already prepared, and immediately sent a message to Nantianmen.

The starship kept approaching, but the information it sent flowed into the sea like mud, without any feedback.

Li Xiaoyun's heart kept sinking, and Xu Zeqing's expression became more and more ugly.

No information was sent back, not even the signal from the intelligence brain could be caught.

This shows that the Nantianmen base has completely ceased operation, perhaps...even the basic survival system has been closed, if that is the case...the possibility of Lu Li's survival is very small...

The Fallen Leaf passed through countless wreckages, and finally arrived at the location of the Nantianmen Base.

From the outside, there is no light in the Nantianmen base.

As expected, the module systems of the base have completely ceased operation.

When the starship landed, Li Xiaoyun, wearing a convenient space combat suit, rushed out immediately.

Her goal is very clear, pointing directly at the main control room of the base.

If Lu Li is still alive, it must be there.

During the battle, he will definitely not leave the main control room.

Passing through a series of icy passages, all around are dilapidated.

In the entire Nantianmen Base, most of the buildings and facilities were destroyed by the huge energy of the Chaos Zhuxian Cannon, and fell apart.

The reason why the Nantianmen base can be preserved is because the Zhuxian cannon is aimed at the star field where the king of the Zerg is located. There is now nothingness there, and there is nothing left

This hole card that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred.

Since it was designed, it is used to die with the enemy at the time of life and death.

But now it seems that the effect is surprisingly good.

However, such a too cruel.

Li Xiaoyun's figure shuttled through the ruins, and soon rushed to the location of the main control room.

The door to the main control room was closed, but fortunately, there was no obvious damage.

The space inside should not have been exposed to the vacuum environment.

Li Xiaoyun skillfully entered the password to enter the main control room.

No doubt, no response.

All the systems in the base have collapsed, and naturally this gate cannot be entered with a secret order, so the gate can only be opened manually!

Li Xiaoyun glanced around the gate, and then his eyes were fixed.

A fist slammed on the side of the door.

Under the blessing of the space battle suit, Yishi opened a hole in that place with the terrifying fist power.

A mechanical wheel mechanism was exposed inside.

At this time, Xu Zeqing and other Warriors had already arrived.

Seeing Li Xiaoyun's terrifying fist strength, he couldn't help swallowing.

They had never seen Li Xiaoyun make a move, and they never imagined that as a scientific researcher, her delicate (Li's) body would contain such terrifying power.

If it was a real battle, among all the people present, no one would be Li Xiaoyun's opponent.

The door to the main control room opened quickly.

The situation inside came into the eyes of Li Xiaoyun and others.

The scene in front of them stunned everyone.

In the messy main control room, all the equipment was scorched and damaged. Some unfixed devices were scattered everywhere, as if they had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake.

And in the center of the main control room, a medical cabin stood there quietly.

In the medical cabin, a figure lay quietly.

Surrounded by humanoid mechanical creations.

They connected all their energy cores to the medical warehouse.

The connecting wires are like blood vessels, maintaining the operation of the medical cabin.

And those robots themselves have lost their power, and their electronic eyes are dimmed.

In the entire main control room, only the medical cabin shone with a faint light.

Those robots input all their energy into the medical cabin.

Just to keep the man in the medical cabin alive.

At this time, Li Xiaoyun also saw clearly the face of the figure in the medical warehouse.

That's... her teacher... Lu Li!.

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