The National Goddess Signs the Mecha, and The Loyal and Fierce Fleet is Exposed

Chapter 187 More Than Us, He Might Want To See The Starship Lift Off!

After leaving the ward, Jiang Guotao looked solemn. He was not only worried about Lu Li's condition.

According to the exact news, the mission of the alien civilization Xianyun tribe is about to come to Blue Star to negotiate with the alliance.

Jiang Guotao and others actually don't know much about this so-called Xianyun civilization.

To be honest, even though I have accepted the fact of the existence of alien civilizations, I still feel a little dreamy in my heart, and I never thought that one day I would be able to negotiate cooperation with alien civilizations.

This has already exceeded his imagination, thinking of this, he couldn't help but look back at the ward.

"It would be great if Lu Li could play."

Jiang Guotao thought so in his heart, but the pace under his feet accelerated even more.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea.

Right now Lu Li is still in a coma, and it is still unknown whether he can wake up and participate in the negotiation on time.

And as a high-level leader, as a mature leader, he knows that he should not have unrealistic illusions at any time, and this matter should also be resolved by him.

For the coming alien civilization, he must urge his subordinates to study it carefully and come up with a feasible solution.

Only when we have a full and comprehensive understanding of this alien civilization 820, and know ourselves and our enemies, can we carry out the next negotiations smoothly.

In this way, even if Lu Li can't attend the negotiation, they can do a job with ease.

Just as he was thinking about something, Jiang Guotao, who had just arrived at the corner of the corridor, almost bumped into Wu Xiuming.

"Jiangbu, how is Lu Li doing now?"

Wu Xiuming, whose hair was already a little gray, looked up and saw that it was Jiang Guotao, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Guotao was not surprised when he knew that Wu Xiuming had also come to the hospital.

"Principal Wu!" Jiang Guotao reached out to shake Wu Xiuming's hand and greeted him.

"Don't worry, Principal Wu, Lu Li will be fine!"

Hearing this, Wu Xiuming exhaled lightly, and then asked nervously:

"Can I take a look at him?"

Jiang Guotao pondered for a while.

Wu Xiuming hurriedly continued: "Don't worry, I won't affect Lu Li, just take a look."

After Wu Xiuming finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Guotao eagerly, eager to get a positive reply.

Jiang Guotao was still thinking about the alien civilization. Hearing Wu Xiuming's words, Lu Li, who had fallen into a coma on the hospital bed, came to his mind again.

He took a deep breath and tried to squeeze a smile on his face, "Lu Li's condition is not very good, but Hua Yunlan and the top experts in China have already consulted him, but it will take some time for him to wake up!"

After hearing Jiang Guotao's words, Wu Xiuming didn't speak yet.

Qiao Nanyan at the side suddenly became nervous.

At this moment, her whole heart is tied to Lu Li!

Hearing this situation, her big watery eyes immediately turned red, and she felt a burst of anxiety in her heart.

Jiang Guotao looked at Qiao Nanyan's sad look, and was about to speak to comfort him.

At the end of the corridor, a figure is walking quickly.

As he got closer, Jiang Guotao recognized the person who was coming. This was Academician Zhong Zhenli who was in charge of the launch of the starship.

"Jiangbu, are you also here to visit Lu Li? How is his condition?" Zhong Zhenli gasped for breath and asked anxiously.

Seeing Zhong Zhenli panting, Jiang Guotao couldn't help but feel sorry for this old academician who dedicated himself to the country.

"Come, come, don't worry. Sit down and take a breath first, and listen to me." Jiang Guotao led the crowd to find a chair and sit down.

After Zhong Zhenli learned that Lu Li had landed, he specially asked for an hour's leave and rushed over from the launch base by a confidential plane.

He was non-stop along the way, and he was indeed a little tired, so he followed Jiang Guotao to find a seat and sat down.

"I just learned about Lu Li's condition, according to the emergency consultation of Hua Yunlan and other experts. Lu Li's condition is not very serious, but it will take some time for him to wake up."

After hearing Jiang Guotao's words, Zhong Zhenli's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

He looked up towards Lu Li's ward, but found (bgff) that the windows inside the ward had already drawn the curtains, so he couldn't see the situation.

Jiang Guotao said: "The consultation has just been completed, and the preliminary treatment should be underway now, if you want to go in, I will tell them.

"No need!" Zhong Zhenli said in a deep voice, "As long as he can wake up, I won't go in."

Hearing his optimistic words, there was a smile on everyone's face.

"Lu Li will be fine!"

Qiao Nanyan on the side said firmly with puffed mouth and red eyes.

Several people looked at each other and nodded.

Jiang Guotao was still frowning slightly at this moment, appearing preoccupied.

Zhong Zhenli on the side is in charge of the starship, and he has no less information about alien civilizations than Jiang Guotao.

He was keenly aware of Jiang Guotao's worry, and soon understood Jiang Guotao's worry.

"It's only a matter of time before Lu Li wakes up. Why are you still frowning? Are you still worried about the mission of alien civilization?" Zhong Zhenli asked.

Before Jiang Guotao could speak, he said to the sky, "There is nothing to worry about, our first batch of starship troops will be launched soon.

As long as the fist is strong enough, no matter whether he is Xianyunxing or Wuyunxing, he has to be obedient, and now Lu Li is back!"

Zhong Zhenli's words dissipated a lot of the gloom on Jiang Guotao's face.

"You're right, as long as your fist is hard enough, there's nothing to be afraid of." Hearing Zhong Zhenli's persuasion, Jiang Guotao felt much more relaxed and encouraged himself.

Right now Lu Li is fine, Zhong Zhenli is also in a good mood, smiled and got up to say goodbye to everyone, "If that's the case, then I have to go."

He looked at his watch, "Look, there are still twenty minutes left in this one-hour vacation, just enough for me to go back."

"Ah, Academician Zhong. Why don't you wait with us for Lu Li to finish his surgery?"

Wu Xiuming was a little surprised. Lu Li's parents had passed away, and now only these old colleagues and comrades-in-arms were relatively close.

He thought that when Zhong Zhenli came over, he would at least stay for a while.

If Lu Li wakes up, she hopes to see them too.

Zhong Zhenli shook his head, "I know Lu Li better than I am here.

After he wakes up, he should be more eager to see the starship of our country take off to defend our homeland.

The scientific research institute cannot do without me, I have to go back quickly. "

After finishing speaking, he waved to everyone and hurried out of the hospital.

What he said made everyone present feel awe. This is the backbone of the Blue Stars and the foundation for the Blue Stars to stand in the universe.

Qiao Nanyan looked at Zhong Zhenli's leaving back, and a sense of respect welled up in his heart.

However, when she looked back at the ward with the doors and windows closed, she felt uncomfortable.

Originally, she was full of joy to see Lu Li, but she didn't expect to see anyone, which made her a little sad, and felt the distance between herself and him....

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