Wu Xiuming looked at Lu Li with slightly red eyes, and his body was still sitting upright, without any slack.

But he knew that Lu Li was happy, there was a smile in his eyes, and his expression was gentle.

This is the feeling of home that he has not experienced in more than 30 years.

Here, he is not the commander-in-chief on the starry sky battlefield, and he does not need to be under tremendous pressure.

This is a safe and comfortable place.

Here, he is just a child who needs the care and care of adults.

He can completely relax here.

However, after traveling in the universe for so many years, he has already formed a character of constant vigilance and no delay.

In those unknown times, I have been silently sticking to it.

Not for fame and fortune, not wearing a crown, not fighting for honor and favor,...dedicated to duty, live and die here.

That's what makes it even more painful.

Wu Xiuming raised his hand and took off the glasses he was wearing, his eyes were blurred, and he blinked to cover the watery light in his eyes.

Really... a little drunk.

I don't know how long Lu Li will stay here this time..16..

Maybe he's leaving soon...

Wu Xiuming took out the square towel in his pocket, wiped his glasses, put them on, and his vision became clear.

Mother Lin sat sideways on the stool, and Mother Lin's crutches were placed beside the stool.

Mother Lin looked relaxed, her expression brightened, smile lines appeared on her face, and she reached out to hold Lu Li's hand.

Talking about what this is, Lu Li nodded slightly, responding to Mother Lin.

Father Lin sat on the other side of Lu Li, holding the dishes with his chopsticks, looking in Lu Li's direction from time to time, and listening to what they said.

Sitting opposite Lu Li, Lin Yun was also paying attention and saying a word or two from time to time.

The eyes of elder sister Lin Yangui and younger brother Xiao Ze were full of light, revealing a trace of admiration.

The whole atmosphere is so comfortable

At this time, the phone rang, breaking the warm picture in front of me.

At this moment, Mother Lin seemed to sense something in her heart.

Maybe Lu Li is leaving soon...

I don't know when we will see you next time.

Suddenly, it fell silent.

Lu Li looked at the smart communicator on his wrist, stood up, walked to the side of the living room, and answered.

"How far has it progressed as soon as possible..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wu Xiuming seemed to have a premonition.

Lu Li was going to leave after all, but I didn't expect it to be so soon...

Mother Lin clasped her hands tightly, looking in Lu Li's direction with anxiety.

Father Lin put down his chopsticks, turned sideways, sat on the stool, and rested his hands on the edge of the table.

Lin Yun pursed her lips slightly, and stared in Lu Li's direction blankly.

Like a judge waiting for the final result to come down.

So one person's emotions are all tied to one person...

Only Lu Li's voice sounded.

"As a result... I will go back as soon as possible."

Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat when she heard the word back, and her trembling raised body immediately fell back onto the stool.

Father Lin sighed, raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass, and drank too quickly, so he took a sip.

Lin Yun relaxed the corners of her pursed lips, and raised her head to keep her tears from streaming down.

A look of reluctance flashed in Lin Yangui's eyes, and the uncle who had just become familiar with him was about to leave him again.

Xiao Ze quickly stood up, his mouth moved slightly, and he wanted to say something, but fell silent again.

Lu Li looked at everyone's expressions and knew it in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

I just went back to my seat, picked up a piece of fruit and ate it.

I just want to keep the familiar taste deeply in my mind.

Perhaps it was about to part, and everyone became silent.

Mother Lin knew in her heart that when the child grew up, she had her own decision, just like she supported Lin Xiao's decision before, she silently supported Lu Li in her heart.

Lu Li has more important things waiting for him to do....

At this time, Mother Lin stood up tremblingly, rubbing her hands back and forth, looked at Lu Li and asked:

"Are you... leaving?"

Mother Lin didn't wait for Lu Li to speak, so she leaned on her crutches and walked towards the kitchen.

Lin's mother had just taken a step, but she stopped suddenly and said:

"I... pack some food for you, and wait for you to eat on the way, or when you want to eat!"

"I haven't tasted the taste of my hometown for so long... I will prepare more... Yes!"

Mother Lin looked at Lu Li and nodded, her eyes were slightly red.

"Yes, old woman, prepare some more for Lu Li! Let me help you pack it up, rice crackers... definitely need it... bring some more..."

Lin's father stood up immediately, walked to Lin's mother, and said.

Wu Xiuming raised his hand, pushed his glasses, stood up, walked to Lu Li, and said.

"Lu Li, is something wrong?"

"There are some things in the scientific research institute, and I need to be there."

Lu Li looked at Wu Xiuming and replied.

"Are you going to leave now? It's so late?"

Wu Xiuming asked quickly.

"Go back as soon as possible.

Lu Li replied.

Lu Li looked at everyone in front of her, and no one wanted to say goodbye.

All good things come to an end.

Parting is for a better meeting next time...

Some things have to be done.

Lin Yun watched Lu Li and Wu Xiuming talking, and heard Lu Li say that he was going to leave, and felt uncomfortable.

I can't refuse, I can only support, and watch him leave with my own eyes...

Just like when big brother Linley was still there, looking at the back of big brother going away...

Always thought we would see each other soon...

did not expect.

Goodbye, I haven't even seen the remains of the big brother...

Some are just a nameplate representing identity.

She doesn't know who to hate 053...

She didn't know what to do, so she could only bury it silently in her heart.

Lin Yun supported the table with both hands, stood up, and prepared to pack everyone's tableware.

Tears are silently falling from the corner of my eyes...

Elder sister Lin Yangui and younger brother Xiao Ze looked at each other with reluctance in their eyes.

Pushing and shoving aside, both wanting the other party to speak first, the two pushed and shoved to Lu Li.

The older sister glared at her younger brother, raised her head, and said to Lu Li with a slightly trembling voice:

"Uncle Lu Li, are you leaving soon?"

"Uncle Lu Li, we miss you! There are so many things I haven't had time to say..."

The younger brother Xiao Ze said with a gleam in his eyes.

"When I first watched Qiao Nanyan's live broadcast, I didn't expect to get news from my uncles. Later, I learned that so many heroes made so many contributions to protect Blue Star, and the news that Uncle Lin Xiao passed away..."

"Although we have never seen Uncle Lin Xiao since we were young, we only knew it from my grandmother and mother, but when I saw Uncle Lu Li, I knew it!"

“Uncle Lin Xiao must be the same as you!”

"Yes, my brother is right!

Lin Yangui nodded in agreement.

Xiao Ze looked at Lu Li with burning eyes, and continued.

"I also want to fight side by side with you! Protect Blue Star, protect your family!".

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