The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1086 No matter what the road is, it will be flat

"Heh, how can you make up four golden flowers without taking you?"

Xia Xi accepted the contract with a smile, and handed it to Yuki Kitagawa: "The contract will be escorted back to the Su family with others, so I won't go back, and..."

She pulled Kitagawa Yuki and whispered, "Don't tell anyone, I am Sumi!"

"Don't worry! I understand!"

Kitagawa Yuki made a gesture, he still has this bit of professionalism!

"Sister Sumi, aren't you going back with us?"

Lin Zhena was a little reluctant.

"Hey, go back, I won these for you, even if it's for me, do it well?"

Xia Xi smiled, and put her long hair behind Lin Zhena's ear.

Lin Zhena blushed: "Relax, don't worry, Sister Sumi, we won't let you down!"

"Very well, Su Clan's success depends on you. Rong Fei will only stay here for three years. In three years, you will surpass him and become the top line of Su Clan and the top line of Huaguo!"

The two sisters immediately became excited. If they were still lacking in confidence before, everything that happened today made them full of confidence!

With Sister Su Mi and Young Master here, no matter how you look at them, they can become the front line!

"Young Master Xia will settle things at work for you. For things like this tonight, I will settle them for you in the future!"

"Miss Sumi!"

The eye circles of the two girls were red, and they grabbed Su Mi's clothes, refusing to let go.

"Sister Sumi, come too, can you come with us? We want to be with you forever!"

Xia Xi smiled slightly, and rubbed the hair of the two of them: "Okay, but it's impossible these few years."

Lin Zhena was a little disappointed, but she cheered up and said, "Okay, we'll wait for you, Sister Sumi!"

Xia Xi smiled, waved her hand, and left.

wait for her?

After graduating from university, she will resume her identity as a woman. Will anyone still like her by then? ?

After all, she deceived the whole world.

Forget it, after thinking so much, let's settle the matter at hand first.

After changing clothes and returning to Su's house, it was already very late, and the door light that was originally on to wait for her was completely dark. Xia Xi froze for a moment before remembering.

Zhan Yu has moved out.


Xia Xi felt the darkness and opened the gate, but the yard was still pitch-black.

I don't feel it when people are there, but when people leave, I really feel a little empty.

In the past, no matter how late she came back, the door light was always on, but now, it was pitch black.

Feeling a little disappointed, Xia Xi still took a deep breath and walked into the hall.

"Little master?"

Uncle Zhong put on his nightgown and turned on the light, only to feel relieved when he saw that it was her.

"Young master, do you want some supper?? Before leaving, Master Zhan told you that the young master likes Songgu's craftsmanship, so he specially left some snacks."

At that moment, Xia Xi's heart was a little sore, but also a little warm.

Even though Zhan Yu is gone, he is missed even more than when he was here.

dim sum? ?

Xia Xi smiled slightly: "Then give me some!"

"Can it be served with orange juice?"


Uncle Zhong smiled, turned and went into the kitchen.

Xia Xi looked at the closed study door, thought for a while, and pushed the door open and walked in.

The moment the overhead light was turned on, the room was clean and lifeless.

The bed was still placed in the corner, and the room was filled with the aura of Zhan Yu, but he was no longer here.

I'm going to pave the way for you.

She still remembered what Zhan Yu said, Xia Xi couldn't help but smile.

You don't need to pave the road, no matter what the road is, Xia Xi can pave it all by herself!

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