The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1091 Penetrating acting skills

Shengjing, Obon Festival.

Liuli, who finally returned from her studies, stood quietly on the street where people come and go.

Today is the Obon Festival, and every household is filled with all kinds of food at the door. Children carrying river lanterns are laughing and laughing as they pass by her, but Liuli's eyes are empty and looking into the distance.

The ruins in the distance are exactly the Liufu that was burned by a fire a few years ago.

Everywhere is very lively, only there is no sound of insects chirping.

Liuli walked over with dull eyes, stood at the door, stared at the ruins, and remained silent for a long time.

After a while, she took out all kinds of offerings and placed them one by one at the door of her former home.

On the Obon Festival, the day of offering sacrifices to the dead, she wants to pay homage to her family.

But as soon as the things were put on, someone whipped the tribute off, and all kinds of snacks rolled everywhere.


Liuli turned her head angrily, and immediately met the tall and gloomy man on the horse.

The golden armor is like the twinkling stars in the night, and the red tassel on the hair crown is the most beautiful blood color. On this festival of offering sacrifices to the dead, the red is shocking!

Liuli was taken aback, but the moment she met this man's dark and indifferent eyes, her face turned pale instantly!

She remembered these eyes, black as ink, beautiful as hooks!

On the night of raiding the house, those eyes were standing outside the cabinet and looking at her!

This person is Zhan Bin! !

"Defend the capital!"

Zhan Bin replied coldly, his handsome face was sharp and angular, but it was much more refined than a rough man, against the backdrop of luxurious armor, he was handsome and compelling.

Liuli suppressed her panic and said angrily, "Why did you overturn my things!"

Zhan Bin looked into the distance with cold eyes, the firelight illuminated her undulating delicate side face, her indifferent eyes were so gloomy to the extreme, as if she could see everything in another world!

"Here, no one is allowed to approach, and if you are presumptuous, I will arrest you and send you to the cell!"

Liuli gritted her teeth and could only leave unwillingly.

"Hey, isn't this Liuli?"

The second prince, Li Pu, came on horseback, and when he saw Liuli, he subconsciously approached him.

"Why, Zhan Bin bullied you??"

Li Pu looked back at Zhan Bin: "Hey, what's the matter with you? Miss Liuli is my friend, don't scare her!"

Zhan Bin said coldly: "It is the order of the emperor himself that no one is allowed to approach here, and Zhan Bin is also following orders!"

Seeing that she was unreasonable, Li Pu had no choice but to drag Liuli away.

"There, why is no one living there?"

Liuli asked intentionally.

"Shhh, there used to be a family living there with the intention of rebelling, and the family was confiscated by the father."

"Then, can I buy it? I want to make my home there."

Liuli subconsciously turned her head back, dots of river lanterns were lit up around the Obon Festival, and the torches illuminated the streets of the capital. The man in armor stood quietly under the lights. At that moment, Liuli only felt, Behind that person is not a light, but the entire galaxy!

"Okay, card!"

When the director gave an order, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But everyone turned their attention to Xia Xi.

This boy is doing really well!

Play Zhan Bin's extravagance and coldness to the woods!

And the most important thing is that the special effects are good, look at those boat lights, are they really made like the Milky Way? ?

"Xiao Xi, do you really only have more than half a year of filming experience?"

Many staff couldn't help coming over and asking kindly.


"Then how did you manage to act so well?"

Xia Xi chuckled: "Unremitting efforts and learning."

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