"You remember???"

People looked at Xia Xi in surprise: "Why do you recite a whole script?"

Aren't there many maids and other supporting roles in it? ?

Why do you have to memorize the whole book, even the narration? ?

"Because I need someone to give me the right words, and I also need to experience the mood of other characters. I am an actor, and the roles I play do not appear out of thin air, but vary from person to person."

"For example, what should Zhan Bin feel when he sees Liuli, and what should Zhan Bin feel like every time Liuli says a word? Although Zhan Bin is indifferent and speechless in the novel, people's hearts are full of flesh, even if they are indifferent. People also have feelings, and they can also be happy and sad, but after I understand the whole script, I know how to play Zhan Bin."

Everyone looked at Xia Xi dumbfounded.

Just for such a male supporting role, why is the research so thorough? ? Besides, Bingshan face is the best to act, do you need any expressions? ?

"W-Will this be too much?"

Someone couldn't help muttering.

"So, this is the difference between me and you. I do things to the extreme, and the characters I interpret will also be interpreted to the extreme, such as the fallen devil, for example, Luo Rong!"

When Luo Rong was mentioned, everyone shivered in unison.

Xia Xi's Luo Rong's performance is so good, I believe no one will dare to remake this drama in the future, because only Luo Rong is a role, it is so classic that it cannot be surpassed! !

"Xia Xi, your role as Luo Rong is really good. I watched three scenes in the cinema, and I cried every time, especially the last scene, I couldn't cry!"

"Me too, I feel so helpless. Luo Hao is still alive, but Luo Rong can only face the wall and wait to die. That kind of feeling really has a feeling that he can't struggle, that life is better than death!"

"Xiaoxi, you are really great!"

When Luo Rong was mentioned, people all admired him. There was no way, Xia Xi's role as Luo Rong was so perfect, so perfect that he burst! !

"Then do I have to work harder in the future?"

"Xiao Xi, teach me acting skills, okay?"


Xia Xi nodded without hesitation, and then said: "You can stay tonight, and we will act together."



"Xiaoxi, you are really kind, you have no airs at all, and you are willing to play against us!"

"Yeah, most big guys won't talk to us."

Xia Xi also couldn't help laughing: "Where am I a big guy? I've only been transparent since I was a child. The most famous person here is Rong Fei. He is a senior and a senior brother."

Xia Xi spared no effort to praise Rongfei, after all Rongfei is now the Su family's cash cow!

"Then will we be like you??"

"As long as you work hard enough, hard work can make up for it, right?"

Xia Xi squinted her eyes. In fact, she can use the copy ability to copy her acting skills together, but it is not her own after all. She prefers to use her own ability to solve all this!

Including acting!

"But you are a top student, we are not!"

Lu Chuan said sarcastic words on the side: "And you still have Huayu as the backstage, so we don't have so many opportunities. Oh, by the way, you are still Xiaokai of the Su family, and you will inherit the family business in the future, right? ? Entertainment circle , Young master, are you just here to experience life??"

When Feng Liang said it, there was a bit of sour taste, and Xia Xi smiled even brighter when he heard the words.

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