"Hmph, then I'll live upstairs, and you'll live downstairs, otherwise, I'll tell grandpa, you're unspoken rules for me!!!"

Zhan Yu: ……………

If he wanted to live like this, wouldn't it be a waste of time for him to go to the imperial capital to work for so long? ?

What is he plotting! ! !

But, if Xiaoxi really told the teacher that, then she really wouldn't want to live with Xiaoxi! !

"Okay! You live upstairs, I live downstairs!"

Zhan Yu gritted his teeth and agreed!

Anyway, it's just one floor, where is the upstairs and where is the downstairs? ?

Promise first! !

Zhan Yu suddenly discovered that bullshit love can make people stupid, is he stupid? ? Obviously not, but also smart! !

Zhan Yu silently praised himself.

"By the way, you and Emmony really have nothing??"

Xia Xi: ……………

"Ai Mengni is now our Su family's artiste!"

"Well, it's okay, as long as you are happy."

Zhan Yu nodded indifferently: "But one thing, you can't subtly rule any artist under your banner!"

Xia Xi: ...

Unspoken rules hairy ah! !

Besides, who is unspokenly regulating who now! ! !

"Too lazy to talk to you!"

Xia Xi rolled her eyes, pushed Zhan Yu away and walked out of the private room.

The breath of spring is already very strong, even at night, there are still many people outside wearing short sleeves wandering on the street.

Xia Xi lowered the brim of her hat and walked in a hurry, but in the green belt, something flickered and made a small sound.

There are people! !

The keen senses trained in her previous life made Xia Xi instantly aware of the strangeness. She almost flashed her figure and rushed to the edge of the green belt, a seabed dragon cave, and directly fished out the person behind the green belt.

A man with a black cap and a camera in his hand.

Just looking at this, Xia Xi knew that this was a paparazzi! !

"Get out the camera!"

Xia Xi frowned, she didn't like her whereabouts being exposed!

Wang Feng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he hid so secretly and could be caught by Xia Xi! !

And not only did she find out immediately, she rushed to her in almost three seconds and pulled her out! !

Okay, is there anyone who is so powerful? This super sixth sense and athletic ability are simply invincible! !

"That, that, hello Xidian!"

Wang Feng nodded politely: "I, I won't do anything with your photos, I, I just want to put them online to make some money..."

Wang Feng answered with incomparable truth.

This stunned Xia Xi.

Since the last racecourse, she has not had a good impression of paparazzi, why such a weird paparazzi suddenly appeared.

"And, I, I celebrate my birthday today..."

Birthday? ?

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows and turned her head to look at Zhan Yu standing there quietly, obviously leaving the handling to her.

"You come with me!"

Xia Xi lifted him out easily, and the moment his feet landed on the ground, Wang Feng was completely stunned.

Damn it, Xia Xi looks so thin, how about it be so easy to mention him a big man weighing 160 catties? ?

Damn it, Xiaoxi is simply a monstrous existence! !

"Then, where are we going??"

Wang Feng winced a little: "Can I not go to the police station?? You see, I didn't bother you. I'm really just a paparazzi who lives by taking pictures. I earn hard money. I respect artists very much. , I just like this job and earn some living expenses by the way..."

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