Liuli was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect to meet the enemy who copied her house here, and she was at a loss for a while.

She was thinking about what to do, but the handsome young man in the unicorn robe had already walked over without turning his eyes.

Zhan Bin walked calmly, his eyebrows and eyes were still cold, but when he passed by, his eyes flickered, and his smile disappeared in a flash, too fast to capture.

Liuli froze for a moment, she even thought that she had an illusion.

"Zhan Shizi seemed to be smiling just now!"

"Yeah, so handsome!"

"Humans are naturally handsome, this smile is really pretty!"

A few little maids chattered around, and Liuli blushed suddenly, that smile was real, Zhan Bin really smiled at her.

But why? ?

"Ka, very good!"

Fang Junru was a little excited.

Xia Xi's acting is really good, and Xia Zhengran's acting is also very good, especially the scene between the two of them, it really makes people love Xia Xi to death! !

This method is too good at discharging! !

"Hey, Xia Xi, how do you think you want to read sister papers to discharge when you pass by?"

Rong Fei was talking sourly on the side.

"I, a bystander, will be electrocuted to death by you!!"

"Born with electric eyes, there is no way."

Rong Fei: ...

Damn, do you think you are Thunderbolt Babe? ?

"By the way, tomorrow I will ask Ai Mengni to officially report to Su's."


With a wave of his hand, Xia Xi took the water from Zhan Yu's hand and drank most of it in one go.

"The director has improved the speed. Starting next week, it will be increased to two episodes a week."

Zhan Yu is completely like a conscientious agent.

"Isn't that going to live on the set??"

"Well, but fortunately, there are 14 episodes in total, and we finished it in one month."

Xia Xi was depressed.

It's time to take the college entrance examination in a month!

She also plans to go back to school to review, so she can go directly to the examination room now! !

"Don't worry, I won't make you tired, I can't bear it."

Zhan Yu pinched Xia Xi's cheek in a good mood, if it wasn't because there were too many people around, he would definitely kiss her well.

Who made Xiaoxi so rare? ?

"It's up to you, but I have to go back to Su's tomorrow."

Ai Mengni is a girl with too many thorns, Huayu has many gods, and her manager has no time to teach Ai Mengni, so Xia Xi decides to do it herself!

This matter was settled so happily.

On the other hand, Emmony was still a little nervous.

After all, she witnessed a scene where a regular wife was caught for rape, and she was that unlucky mistress herself! !

Ahhhhh! !

When I think about it, I feel bad all over, okay? !

But even though she was afraid, she still came to Su's, after all, this is where she wanted to come.

As soon as she entered the door, the receptionist welcomed her in. In the training room, two girls whom she had never seen before were practicing.

This is Su's artist? ?

Ai Mengni walked in and took a look, then rolled her eyes.

My God, are these two newcomers? ?

This acting is really bad!

"Hey, do you know how to act?? It's so bad, okay?"

Tao Yue and Lin Zhena stopped their movements and looked towards the door.

Who is this person? ? Why are you pointing fingers here? ?

"If I had known that the artists here would not be able to make it to the stage, I might as well not change jobs, tsk, really!"

Ai Mengni couldn't help but sarcasm, which made both Tao Yue and Lin Zhena change their faces.

Who the hell is this guy? ? Why are you so annoying? ?

Chapter 30, OVER...Who dares to say that there are fewer eighteenth chapters? Stand up... I haven't had enough sleep for two days, and whoever says I will never end with anyone...

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