"Fang, Director Fang, give me another chance!"

"It's not that I don't give you a chance. It's already four o'clock in the morning. In another hour, this scene can't be filmed. I want to give you a chance, but God won't give you a chance!"

"I, I know, I will take good pictures."

Xia Zhengran gritted her teeth, stood up again, and started!

In the same room, in the same scene, Xia Xi stood coldly by the bedside, turning her head indifferently.

The pitch-black eyes were bottomless, as if they could see through everything, including what she did.

Xia Zhengran panicked...

"Ca! It's still not right, why is it getting worse and worse!"

Fang Junru became irritable.

time does not wait!

They really can't afford to wait!

"If things go on like this, this week's episodes won't be able to catch up with the release at all!! What's the matter, don't think that Nan Fung invested money, you can act whatever you want, my Fang Junru's plays are never improvised!!"

"Director, don't be angry, try again, it's been filming all night anyway."

"Yes, director..."

Many people began to persuade Fang Junru, but everyone also had a lot of opinions on Xia Zhengran.

Fang Junru's dramas basically have one episode a week, and they are filmed and released at any time, so the requirements for actors are also relatively high, but this time Nanfeng is the largest investor, so everyone is open to Xia Zhengran's joining I closed my eyes, but now, this vase obviously failed to meet Fang Dao's requirements, and it also slowed down the progress, which is really disgusting.

"I'm not angry, I'm in a hurry, who can tell me if this week's drama will be released or not!!"

Fang Jun yelled angrily, Huanmeng had nothing to do, she could only look at Xia Xi.

"Xiaoxi, what should I do??"

Xia Xi chuckled, and when she lowered her head, her fingertips swept over Huanmeng's chin, and it felt soft to the touch.

No wonder Zhan Yu likes to hook his chin so much, so it's so comfortable? ?

"I'll solve it."

Xia Xi rubbed her fingertips, the warm and soft touch was still there, making people feel comfortable all over.

But she didn't know that this action of hers made Huanmeng blush.

As an erotic novelist, every time Huanmeng writes a book is like a big fantasy of love, but there is never a dream that is so exciting this time! !

Oh my god, how can Xia Xi flirt with girls better than the male number one she wrote! !

It is a foul to hook someone's chin casually, do you understand! !

Huanmeng blushed, and it took him a long time to realize, hey, what did Xiaoxi say just now? ?

She will solve it? ?

solve what? ?

Xia Zhengran's acting skills are not good, but you can solve it, how do you solve it? ?

However, why did Mao suddenly feel chilly? ?

Huanmeng rubbed her arms and looked back.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes looked over like a beast, which made her tremble in fright.

Cao is Xia Xi's manager, standing in a dark corner silently like a wolf! !

The sight is still so scary? ?

Huan Meng no longer cares about Zhan Yu, but looks at the set.

She was eager to know how Xia Xi wanted to solve this matter!

"Director Fang!"

Xia Xi separated from the crowd and squeezed to Fang Junru's side.

Because the director was too angry, everyone didn't dare to speak out. Seeing Xia Xi approaching, many people whispered: "Xiao Xi, the director is angry, don't provoke him!"

"Don't worry, I'm here to save the field."

Xia Xi smiled slightly, calmly and recklessly, flamboyantly flamboyant, and the hearts of the people watching were agitated.

So handsome!

But Xiaoxi came to save the scene? ? How to save?

"Fang Dao, Zheng Ran's scene, leave it to me, I promise, it will be done once before dawn."

"you promise?"

Fang Junru jumped: "Who do you think you are, you can do it if you promise?"

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