The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1133 If Xia Xi dares to smash it, she can afford to pay

However, a hand was ahead of him, blocking his skewer.

Come on, come on, who won't let him eat meat? ?

Now that I am hungry, I will be in a hurry with whoever refuses to let him eat meat! !

Old Lin glared angrily, and ended up meeting Xia Xi.

A young, tender and handsome little fresh meat, and a young and old uncle, the contrast is really hot.

"Xia Xi!"

Old Lin's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Ha! I'm still waiting for you, it really didn't take much effort!"

As he said that, he stopped eating the meat skewers, took out his modified camera and pointed it at Xia Xi.

But before he could take the picture, he snapped it with one hand, and the camera flew to the ground and fell to pieces.

"You, what are you doing!!"

Mr. Lin became anxious, and jumped up: "Personal attack, isn't it?? My camera has been modified, waterproof and anti-freeze, and it won't fog up when it's snowing. !! You are alone, are you amazing?? Look down on paparazzi, don’t you!!”

"Dog, boy?"

At this time, there was no need for Xia Xi, fans all looked over one after another, their dark eyes seemed to be on fire, burning with anger that could kill people.

Damn, is this guy a paparazzi? ?

What did you say just now that you waited all morning and thought it was Xidian's true fan, but it turned out to be a paparazzi! !

It's really disgusting that the fan group mixed with paparazzi and so on, don't want it! !

"Hey, paparazzi, get out!"

"That's right, it's because of you that the entertainment industry hacked so many good stars!!"

"Yes, you guys love to talk nonsense, you deserve it if the camera falls!"

"Yes, Xidian is doing harm to the people!!"

"That's right, eliminate harm for the people!"

"Get rid of a ghost for the people!"

Lin Laochu was also irritable: "What's the matter with me being a dog?? I earn hard money. If I don't work tirelessly, how can you fans have so many gossip magazines to read?? You should thank me! "

"Bah! Thank you, big-headed ghost!"

"Too shameless!!"

"that is!"

The fans chattered a lot, but Mr. Lin didn't intend to continue to tangle with them. His goal was Xia Xi!

But now that the camera is ruined, Xia Xi will give him an explanation!

"Xia Xi, you debuted late and became popular very quickly, but you are too big. This is my camera, and it fell as soon as I said it. Who do you think you are?"

Xia Xi snorted, stretched out her hand and lazily loosened her tie.

The willful and calm appearance attracted the surrounding fans to look sideways.

They decided that if the paparazzi dared to bully Xi Dian, they would have nothing to do with the paparazzi! !

"I think you may have severe astigmatism in your eyes. Maybe you didn't see the big letters on Su's door?"

Xia Xi pointed to the door, and there was a large line of characters posted on it: Portrait rights are exclusive to the Su family, and no photos are accepted.

Mr. Lin was dumbfounded, portrait rights? ?

Hehe, you are talking about portrait rights in Huaguo?

Portrait rights damn, your portraits have long been rotten! !

"Then you dropped my camera?"

Mr. Lin is indomitable. Last time at the racecourse, this time at the gate of Huayu, twice. Xia Xi, I have a fight with you!


Xia Xi smiled calmly, took out three stacks of money indifferently, and patted Lin Laochu's face: "A better SLR is only 30,000 yuan. I'll give you 100,000 yuan, is it enough?"

Isn't it just a camera? ?

If Xia Xi dares to smash it, she can afford it!

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