Hearing this, Chen Yurong felt relieved.

"Okay, then let's go in and talk!"

320W can't lose one point, she decided, not only to add scenes to Zheng Ran, but also to delete scenes for Xia Xi, the best, let the screenwriter write her to death! !

You are the only one who is still acting, what a fart you are! ! !

The two men walked into the conference room aggressively.

The people inside had already been seated, Fang Junru and Huanmeng on one side, Xia Xi and Zhan Yu on the other side, tea was placed in front of the four of them, as for Chen Yurong, there was really no place for them to sit.

No, it should be said that there is, but they are facing each other, no matter where they sit, they look so out of place.

these people! ! !

Chen Yurong gritted her teeth angrily, not even leaving the position of the investor! !

"I think you guys really don't want to take pictures anymore!!"

Chen Yurong pulled the stool away and sat down angrily. Nanfeng's expression was not good. He had never been ignored to such an extent!

Fang Junru, you are so courageous! !

"Xia Xi, let's talk to Director Fang. Is there anything wrong with you?"

Nan Feng bit his cigar, and the more he looked at Xia Xi, the more impatient he became.

The son's photo, this kid hasn't deleted it yet, right? ?

But if this kid dares to threaten him with a photo, he will kill him if he goes out of this door!

"Hehe, it's none of my business, but Director Fang asked me to help him keep the place down, so I'm here."

"Town place?"

Nanfeng couldn't help laughing, and he looked at Fang Junru pointedly: "Are you looking for a yellow-haired boy to take over the place?? This kid is underage, right?"

"Young people are full of vigor. This time, they are more restrained than older people!"

Upper, upper age? ?

Damn, who does this kid say is getting older? !

He is only in his forties in Nanfeng, how old is he? ? where old? ! !

Nanfeng was in a hurry, and decided to settle the score with Xia Xi later. Today, he came to find Fang Junru.

Just now, Chen Yurong has made it very clear that Nanfeng is just giving an ultimatum now.

"Director Fang, there are only so few people in this circle, there is no need to forge any troubles for a small profit, and I, Nanfeng, have no other requirements. First, give us a fixed salary of 320W. Second, give us Let's add drama, the third..."

Nanfeng looked at Xia Xi deliberately and viciously: "Write her to death, and I will write her to death in the next episode!"

Grandma, dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, Xia Xi, you are tired of working!

Today, he, Nanfeng, taught Xia Xi a good lesson!

Nanfeng looked at Fang Junru coldly and put pressure on her eyes.

Fang Junru has a big head.

He subconsciously looked at Fanmeng.

Huanmeng was still calm, her head was spinning quickly, and she quickly calculated the pros and cons of these conditions in her mind. At the end of the analysis, she couldn't help but raise her head and said: "We can't afford the 320W salary, and the advertiser's investment, Adding up the copyright of the TV station, if I give you another 320W, then everyone in the crew will have to drink the northwest wind!"

"Also, Xia Zhengran is already the number one female lead, she has the most dramas, it is impossible to add more, and not only can Zhan Bin not die, she has to live to the end!"

"Drink the Northwest Wind, then drink it. In short, we can't lose a penny of our salary!"

Chen Yurong couldn't help but frowned and screamed: "Can't she die? She's the second male lead, and if she dies, it won't affect the plot, so what if she dies?? Could it be that you, the screenwriter, were seduced by the second male lead? What's the matter between you guys?" Shameless deal!"


Huanmeng is ashamed and angry, is this person sick? !

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