Seeing Nanfeng screaming in anger, Chen Yurong could only take a deep breath and think of a way.

Regarding Zheng Ran's salary, it seems that Nan Fung can't be counted on.

If it doesn't work, she still has to find Fang Junru again in person.

Damn, how did things get so tricky?

It's because of Xia Xi again, if it wasn't for Xia Xi, things wouldn't have become so difficult to deal with! !

However, they have already received their 3 million salary!

Damn Xia Xi!

"President Nan, calm down, we are careless about this matter, otherwise, it would not be Xia Xi's turn!"

Chen Yurong had no choice but to turn to comfort Nanfeng.

"Calm down? Can't get rid of it! Damn, there are people who dare to covet my Nanfeng's things? I told her to enter the door standing up and go out sideways! Otherwise, these people don't know the territory of City S, so who has the final say!"

Nanfeng jumped up and down, yelling, completely mad with anger.

Hearing this, Chen Yurong didn't say much, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

She subconsciously hooked her mouth, because she knew that Nanfeng was going to deal with Xia Xi!

Hehe, okay, it's best to kill Xia Xi, then it's really over!

"Then, Mr. Nan, are you going to..."

"I'll take that old thing Su Qingge first! I want Xia Xi to cry and beg me!"

"Hehe, Mr. Nan is wise, Su Qingge is Xia Xi's weakness!"

Who in the circle doesn't know that Su Qingge loves Xia Xi the most, and if something happens to his grandfather who loves him the most, Xia Xi will definitely go crazy, right?

Haha, just thinking about it makes me excited! !

Chen Yurong became more and more happy.

Really, compared with Nanfeng, Xia Wei is simply too good. A man should be so vigorous and resolute. After all, he is not a husband if he is non-toxic!

"Hey, find some people for me, go to No. XXX Taohua Street tonight and clean up that old thing in the Su family for me! What? What should I do if I die?? If they die, they die! Some people don't have eyes, they have to Teach her a lesson!"

It wasn't until he hung up the phone that Chen Yurong happily handed over a glass of red wine and clinked glasses with Nanfeng happily: "Brother Nan, cheers!"

Nanfeng snorted, clinked glasses with Chen Yurong contentedly, and drank it down with his head raised.

Until this moment, he was more or less comfortable.

Hmph, Xia Xi, when Tai Sui's head is breaking ground, there will be times when you will cry!

That night, a few figures took advantage of the darkness to find the outside of the Su family's old house.

Several people looked at each other, checked the house number, confirmed that it was here, and then gestured to each other.

They looked around and made sure the cameras were fixed around them. With a neat throw, the cameras were covered in chewing gum and lost their original function.

After making sure that there were no more cameras around, the few people nodded and aimed at the high walls of the old house.

The boss said, teach Su Qingge a good lesson tonight, as for the reason, some people don't have eyes!

Several people came to the wall, stacked Arhats, and climbed up the high wall in the blink of an eye.

The person who went up first observed for a while, made sure there was no one there, turned around and made a few gestures, the rest of the people climbed up the high wall one after another, and a few people fell down one after another.

The yard was quiet, there was no movement at all.

At this time, it was the time of deepest sleep, even if there was a little movement, it would not wake people up.

The leader made a gesture, and several people leaned against the corner and slowly moved towards the entrance.

Suddenly, the leader tripped over something, slammed on the ground with a slap, and fell like a dog gnawing shit.

Leading Brother: …………

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