Since you can't go home, it's great!

Zhan Yu was very happy and ordered Li Zhi to turn the car around.

Li Zhi was somewhat calm about his young master getting more and more crooked.

After all, he recognized one thing clearly, that is, his young master is not just a gay guy!

He is bisexual!

As for the reason, isn't the young master and Miss Sumi in the two-person world of the clubhouse the best explanation? ?

Even the young master was relieved to leave!

Therefore, he guessed that the young master must have left because he was relieved, and as for the relief, of course it was because of bisexuality!

Because, the young master can also be with women!

This will not affect the future marriage and childbirth!

Li Zhi squinted his eyes triumphantly, subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror, and deliberately glanced at Xia Xi's cheek.

Ha, duckling, you should just be bragging about it now!

After our young master gets married and has a baby, you will have nothing to do!

Li Zhi is very cheerful, but only Xia Xi knows the truth.

When they arrived at the apartment, Xia Xi walked in familiarly. Songgu received the news and greeted her at the door.

"Young Master Xia!"

Song Gu saluted with a smile. At his feet, His Highness seemed to smell Xia Xi's scent. He poked out a pair of round eyes. When he saw Xia Xi, he hooked his tail very happily, and slowly moved over to rub against Xia Xi's ankle.

"Your Highness!"

Xia Xi happily carried the cat into her arms, and stroked the cat by the way.

After Zhan Yu left, His Highness also left. The absence of a certain cat in the courtyard made people feel a little empty.


His Highness raised his head, put up his meaty paws, and played with Xia Xi.

"Go in and pet the cat!"

For Xia Xi's intimacy with His Highness, Zhan Yu was a little jealous, stretched out his hand to rub Xia Xi's head, and drove in with the cat and man.

"Young Master, dinner is ready, but I don't have Young Master Xia's pajamas, should I use Young Master's?"

Zhan Yu waved his hand: "I'll take her to buy it later."

"Yes, young master."

Sitting on the dining table with His Highness in his arms, Xia Xi glanced at the dishes on the table, and his eyes lit up immediately.

All her favorite dishes!

There are also a lot of sauced beef!

Pure Chinese cuisine!

Is it awesome? ?

"After dinner, I'll take you to buy pajamas."

"Huh?? I won't live here for long?"

"I'll buy it first, you're too big for me."

Xia Xi drank the soup silently, went to buy pajamas? ? Shouldn't you need to try this on? ?

In fact, she felt that she didn't need to buy it, and she wouldn't die if she borrowed it for a while.

Ah, by the way, Zhan Yu has a cleanliness freak.


Seeing that Xia Xi stopped moving, His Highness stretched out his claws to rest on Xia Xi's wrist.

"Yes, let's continue to follow the hair~~~"

Xia Xi obediently freed up a hand to smooth His Highness's hair. His Highness was satisfied, narrowed his eyes and started snoring.

In fact, Song Gu also felt that he could wear the young master's pajamas, but he didn't know that Zhan Yu had his own ideas in doing so.

June 1st is Xiao Xi's birthday, he wants to know Xia Xi's size first, and then give her a tall gift.

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes, so this matter has to be kept secret, he has to surprise Xiao Xi, and she must not know about it!

So, Zhan Yu coughed calmly and pushed away the plate: "Finish? Let's go!"


Xia Xi got up, but His Highness still hooked her ankle reluctantly, but under Zhan Yu's gloomy gaze, His Highness could only compromise.

Woooooo, I, Xidian, you have to come back soon meow~~~

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