The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1180 What's the situation?

Early in the morning, a half-person-high sack was thrown in front of Xia Xi, and there was an ouch from inside.

Hong Xu swept the dust off his sleeves, and looked at Xia Xi calmly: "Little fellow daoist, I brought it for you."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes: "Thank you."

"As for advanced..."

"I'll help you later!"

After sending Hong Xu away, Xia Xi untied the sack slowly, and a big living person came out from inside.

The elder brother who took the lead wanted to struggle again, so he punched Xia Xi as soon as he showed his head.

But who is Xia Xi?

Dodged on the spot, took advantage of the situation and punched the leading brother again.


The elder brother who took the lead was beaten to the ground on the spot, screaming.

Fuck, who caught him? ?

Hitting someone so hard? ?

Did you accidentally offend someone from the gang? ?

It won't be so bad, will it?

"Height age name."

Xia Xi stood in front of the leading brother, crossed her hands on her chest, and looked down at him.

The big brother who took the lead was confused, what's going on?

Looking left and right, it seems to be an apartment.

The decoration is quite luxurious, looking out the window, oh my god! ! so high! !

He didn't care about guessing which floor he was on, and subconsciously turned around and said angrily: "Who are you?? Dare to touch me, do you know that I am... Xia, Xia Xi?!!"

He stared at Xia Xi's face with an expression of seeing a ghost.

I'll go, how could it be Xia Xi? ?

Is he dreaming? ?

"Hehe, are you awake?"

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth, smiled coldly, lowered her head and grabbed the head brother's hair, and brought him up in front of her.

"I repeat, height, age, name!"


For interrogation, is it meaningful to ask Mao about his height? ! !

"1, 1.8 meters, 34, I, my name is Wu Daitou!"

"That's why I called you the leader brother??"

Wu Dai smiled triumphantly: "Brothers praise you!"

Lift you big head ghost!

Letting go and throwing Wu Dai's head on the ground, Xia Xi frowned and took out the wet towel, and wiped every finger and the crevice between them.

No wonder Zhan Yu is obsessed with cleanliness, anyone who catches an idiot will want to disinfect and wipe his hands! !

"Okay, you can go now."


Wu Dai was a little confused.

What the hell? ? Just bring him over? ? What about the interrogation? ?

He is also ready to die without opening his mouth! !

Can you give him a chance to be a hero? ?

"Why, do you still want to stay for dinner?"

Xia Xi's gaze was cool, and she looked directly at it gloomy and indifferent, which made Wu Dai's head and back feel cold.

He flinched, and ran out when he found the door, but when he reached the door, he paused for a moment, then turned around and asked smartly, "Aren't you afraid that I'll come again?"

Xia Xi chuckled, "Welcome."

This welcome sent chills down Wu Dai's head.

Although he is stupid, he also knows that Xia Xi didn't take this matter to heart at all, which only shows that this young master of the Su family has long been prepared! !

So that old man is not a ghost? ?

His every action is seen by the young master of the Su family? ?

Is there any fear in thinking carefully? ! !

Simply terrible! !

Then should he continue? ?

No, he'll go back and ask Mr. Nan!

He rushed back to Boss Nan's office non-stop, and as soon as he entered the door, he was slapped on the face by the ashtray.

"You trash!"

Nanfeng screamed angrily.

"Wu Daitou, Wu Daitou, you are so fucking useless with your head on, can you bring me your brain too!!!"

Wu Daitou: ...

Ang, what's the situation?

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