The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1301 This is exciting! This is sour!

Everyone kept secret about this wine, but Xia Xi's excitement made many people look confused.

"This boy seems very excited to hear about the depth charges!!"

"Hehe, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, is it? When she experiences a splitting headache overnight, she will be as afraid as we are!"

People looked at the dance floor in fear, not because they were afraid of Xia Xi, but because they were afraid of depth charges!

"Let's start?"

Before Jom finished speaking, Xia Xi couldn't wait to reach out, pick up the depth charge, and drank it all in one gulp.


This taste!

This is exciting!

This is sour! !

Xia Xi couldn't help but shouted, "Okay!"

Everyone: ...

Are you stupid? ? What should I call it? ?

Seeing that she drank, Jom could only pick up the glass and drink it down.


Sure enough, it is the strongest wine, really strong enough! !

Jom clicked his tongue and looked at Xia Xi subconsciously. After drinking so much wine and drinking a glass of depth charges, this young man's face was only slightly red. The red was very light and shallow, like cherry blossoms blooming in early spring. , printed on the delicate face of the young man, it looks so bright and moving!

And Xia Xi's eyes were not the slightest bit drunk, on the contrary, following the depth charge, her eyes became brighter and brighter with excitement.

"Come again!"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, this is the wine! !

The bartender looked at Xia Xi worriedly. Seeing how excited she was, the bartender subconsciously shook his head.

Young and frivolous, you will feel better if you drink too much for a while!

The second cup of depth charges was served, and Xia Xi couldn't wait to get the cup, and drank it neatly with her head raised.

Seeing this, Jom could only endure the discomfort and drank the second cup.

"Come again!"

Xia Xi seemed to have had chicken blood, not only did not feel dizzy, but became even more excited, the blush on her face was rippling, and her whole body seemed to have been rubbed with rouge, so sweet and attractive.

Under the stage, Zhan Yu subconsciously narrowed his eyes and stared deeply at Xia Xi.

Xiao Xi looked handsome when he drank, but when he drank too much, he showed a bit of seductive sweetness, which really tickled his heart.

I really want to rub Xia Xi into my arms right now, and gently kiss her pink cheeks!

Zhan Yu took a deep breath, the bar was filled with the smell of alcohol, which made Zhan Yu excited subconsciously.

"Boy, good job!"

"Hahaha, the blush is cuter!"

"It's okay, uncle will take you home when you're drunk!"

There were laughing voices one after another. To be honest, everyone's view of this little man has completely changed now.

This country was originally a bold country, so many men taller than Xia Xi fainted by her side, but this young man not only made great strides all the way, but even had the same drinking capacity as Jones! !

You know, Jones is the champion in the bar, and he has won it again and again. Almost no one can beat him in drinking! !

But now, this little oriental man can hold as much alcohol as Jom!

Obediently, that's great!

"Come on! Down with Joom!"

"Yes, defeat Jom, hahaha, I like you!!"

Many people were booing below, Xia Xi squinted her eyes, smiled slightly, and looked sideways at Uncle Jones: "Hey, how boring is it to drink one cup at a time?"

Jom raised his eyebrows, shit, this kid is so crazy? ? This is a depth charge, commonly known as pouring one cup at a time. Even if it's a competition, the bartender only dares to serve one cup at a time, but this kid said drinking one cup at a time is boring? ?

Did you know that drinking too much can kill you! !

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