Because of the advancement, the body of the Blood Jade Essence is almost clearly presented in front of Xia Xi. This is a beautiful girl's face, round and cute, with big black eyes and blood-red hair , exactly the same color as the blood jade.

"You can't even see it??"

Xia Xi hehe, isn't this stone unusual? ?

I flipped through it subconsciously, but no matter how I looked at it, I couldn't seem to find anything unusual! !

Forget it, it doesn't matter to her anyway.

Xia Xi waved her hand, and decided to look for herbs first, and then energy stones.

But now, she wants to sleep first.

As long as her frozen account can be unfrozen, Su's current situation will be improved to a higher level!

Because the money saved in it was all the money she earned through life and death in her previous life! Money that can't be spent in a few lifetimes!

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her lips, yawned in satisfaction, and slowly fell asleep.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when Li Jilai was looking for Xia Xi, Xia Xi had already finished her morning exercise. She came down from the gymnasium on the roof, wiped her sweat and said, "Go out now?"


Oh my god, Xiao Xixi, you drank so much wine last night and had several glasses of depth charges, not only did you look like a normal person the next day, you actually still had the energy to run in the morning? ! !

Li Jinian's eyes widened, and Luo Ximing next to him was still yawning, obviously jet-lagged.

"My God, am I getting old??"

Luo Ximing exclaimed: "Xiaoxi, it's fine if you're jet-lagged, and you're still not drunk after drinking so much?? Oh my god, how good is your digestive system!! Hey, youth is really capital! !!"

But, you can run in the morning without a hangover, Xiaoxi, you are definitely the only one! !

Luo Ximing had to admire, tsk, eighteen years old, what a wonderful time!

"I'm going to take a shower and I'll be right out."

Xia Xi turned around to go in, but was held back by Zhan Yu, who directly gave her a new suit.

"Wear this, you can't wear yesterday's outfit, right?"

"Ha ha……"

It's really impossible to wear it, it's all torn.

"Young Master Zhan, you are getting more and more considerate~~"

Xia Xi winked, picked up his suit and turned to enter the room. At the door, Zhan Yu's face was slightly red, he coughed subconsciously, and looked away.

Is Xiao Xi starting to flirt with him? ? What's the matter with being a little excited for no reason? ?

Beside, Li Jinian \u0026 Luo Ximing: ...

Damn it, get up early in the morning to sprinkle dog food? ?

Wasn't enough spilled at the bar last night? ? ?

Everyone in the bar was forced to swallow a wave of dog food! ! !

But for the sake of safety, Li Jinian and Luo Ximing absolutely kept their mouths shut and didn't say a word! !

After a while, Xia Xi appeared in front of everyone refreshed in a brand new and well-fitting black suit.

"Okay, let's go."

The car was parked downstairs, and their first stop was Cohen Film and Television, the largest film and television media company in the United States.

Standing downstairs of the Cohen Group, Xia Xi raised her head with a smile. This luxurious building located in the most prosperous part of the movie city is really magnificent. When they, the Su family, come here to make a home, it will be great.

Looking back, the Cohen Group is facing the largest city park here. No matter how you look at it, this city park seems to be built for the Cohen Group!

But when Su's moved here, this park will be built for Su's!

Xia Xi smiled contentedly, took out her cell phone, and made a call.

"Hey, young master Von Koen~~"

Xia Xi's voice sounded happy and full of anger, which made von Koen's teeth itch.

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