The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1316 I just don't like you


Xia Xi was at a loss. Mela would not let a film company go, but why did Jom seem to know nothing? ?

"You are……"

"We are the Drive-in Movie Troupe!"

Drive-In Movie Troupe?

Xia Xi's glasses lighted up, that's right, she actually forgot this, she really stayed in Huaguo for too long!

There is such an organization in the United States, that is, a group that pulls up a curtain in the wild, uses stars as blankets, and cars as beds to watch movies. It is generally organized by people who love movies, and the shows are all nostalgic old movies!

Moreover, this organization has developed rapidly in the United States, and the number of people is quite large. Compared with the number of moviegoers in movie theaters, it is not inferior at all!

Moreover, this is a self-organized community, and Meera will definitely not be able to notify such an organization!


Xia Xi nodded contentedly: "However, how did you recognize me?"

In the eyes of Westerners, don't all Easterners look the same? ?

"Because of the name, your friend called you Xia Xi that night, and the name on the movie was also Xia Xi. I came over and asked your manager, and I was sure! Haha, boy, I admire your drinking capacity. I know, you must not have had enough to drink that day, when you have time, let's have a good drink again!"

When mentioning wine, Xia Xi's eyes light up: "No problem!"

As long as it's about drinking, it's fine! !

"You're just coming of age!"

Zhan Yu frowned, obviously not very happy, although Xiao Xi who drank alcohol was very charming, but he really didn't want her to drink too much alcohol, it would be bad for her health!

"Haha, okay, okay, I promise I won't drink too much, but this time I met a drinking buddy, I must drink a few more glasses, let's not be an example!"

Xia Xi smiled heartily, which made Jom laugh too.

That's right, drinking buddies, drinking buddies, it's really difficult to meet a drinking buddy who can drink better than him, so cherish it, drink it, drink it hard, drink it to your heart's content! !

Zhan Yu rubbed his brows helplessly, he suddenly discovered that Xiaoxi seemed to have revealed another personality after becoming an adult: a drunkard!

And it's the kind that can be drunk!

"Okay, but as long as you drink, I must be by your side, and you can't drink alone without my sight!"

To prevent any accidents, after all, drunk Xiaoxi is too attractive! !

He wants to prevent his people from being abducted! !

"no problem!"

Xia Xi made an OK gesture and smiled brighter.

"Okay, then after the Golden Bear Awards, I can't steal your business. After all, you also know that our films are free of charge!"


The drive-in movie troupe shows movies for hobbies, so they basically don't charge money, Xia Xi can understand.

"Okay, on the day of the screening, I will pick you up before dinner!"

After gesturing, Jom left happily.

But to be honest, he was really reluctant, after all, Zhan Yu was here, otherwise he would have taken Xia Xi to drink!

"To My Dear Brother" hit theaters in the United States. Many people have seen this movie. Some people support it, and of course some people oppose it.

"What the hell are you acting??"

"Why are Oriental movies played by us Westerners? It's boring. Besides, that Luo Rong is neither male nor female. It's disgusting!"

"Yeah, I don't like Orientals, get the hell out of America!!"

"Yes, get out!!!"

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