The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1327 Are you ready to die?

Luo Ximing blinked, and silently pulled Xia Xi back a step: "By the way, this isn't the underworld club in America, is it?"

So scary? ? Look at the hideous tattoo on the tendon, it's just terrifying!

There is no danger, is there? ? And still in this kind of wilderness, there is no place to run if you want to run! !

Luo Ximing was a little worried, because this place, this place, this person, and this scene are all scary, okay?

"Haha, how come??"

Xia Xi turned her head and glanced at Zhan Yu. This man was very calm from the beginning to the end. He even glanced past the skull tattoo on the chest of a bearded man without any reaction.

Tsk, Zhan Yu deserves to be Zhan Yu, so calm.

"In the United States, this kind of dress is too common."

Zhan Yu explained indifferently, but Luo Ximing was still a little worried.

"Otherwise, let's go, it's just a movie, don't we need to be there in person?"

"Of course!"

Behind him, there was a man's sneering voice. The voice was very low, as if he had just woken up from a long sleep, with a gloomy laziness.

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, the voice was too familiar, but Zhan Yu frowned, looking back coldly.

It was a very handsome foreigner, with blond hair that was dazzling even under the moonlight, dark brown eyes with a somewhat dangerous taste, full of fun, falling on Xia Xi.

"Hey boy, are you ready to die?"

Caesar was very excited. To put it bluntly, he was very excited to see Xia Xi. This kid is very good at fighting. There are very few people in this world who he thinks are good at fighting. Team Xi from Adversary is one of them, and she is also a very interesting woman. He After chasing her for more than half of the world, I just wanted to defeat her, but in the end, I fell in love with her unknowingly!

And the second person is Xia Xi, but it's a pity that he has fallen in love with Team Xi, so his purpose this time is to defeat Xia Xi!

Caesar made a bloodthirsty smile, and his pale face was enchanting and gorgeous because of excitement, just like a vampire count in the middle ages.

Zhan Yu frowned, to be honest, he didn't like this Caesar's speaking style, every time he said he was dead, who do you think you are? ?

Xiaoxi is his favourite, whether it's a human being or her life!

While frowning, Xia Xi turned around slowly, staring at Caesar with a depressed expression.

It's over, and Caesar is eyeing it again! !

I always feel that the nightmare of my previous life is going to repeat itself again!

This is also one of the reasons why she doesn't want to go back to Adversary, because there are always troublesome people chasing her! !

"Go away, I have something to do today, I don't have time to talk to you!"

Xia Xi frowned, her delicate face was as cold as ice.

But Caesar didn't care, he smiled and stepped forward calmly: "How about treating it as a sideshow before your movie is released?"

Caesar pulled out a sharp knife from his back neatly, and he played with it proudly. The weapon, which was considered extremely dangerous by others, was like a toy in Caesar's hands, and he played it very lightly.

"How about just using a dagger for a match? The winner has to cut a piece of flesh from the loser, ha, do you dare?"

Caesar became excited, he belonged to the type who gets excited when he sees blood, as long as he goes on a mission, he must see blood, this is the rule!

Xia Xi sighed helplessly, after so many years, this person's bloodthirsty problem really hasn't changed!

I remember that when Caesar was chasing himself, he would talk about digging meat when he lost!

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