The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1333 Because, We Are Top Scholars

At this moment, everyone here will no longer underestimate Xia Xi.

This young man was so slender, but he pierced Caesar's waist without hesitation!

Such a powerful man, he was stabbed with blood!

People stared at Xia Xi subconsciously, as if looking at a miracle in this world.

It's a miracle!

Wasn't it a miracle that he won? ?

"Xia Xi, do you have anything to tell everyone?"

Jom came out to smooth things over.

"Emm, do you still have whiskey? God, that tastes great!"

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, and the unhappiness caused by the bloodshed disappeared.

Alcohol can shorten the distance between all alcoholics. Unfortunately, people in the drive-in movie troupe also like alcohol besides movies and cars!

After drinking a glass of whiskey, Xia Xi's satisfied look made many people feel relaxed. Look, this is a young man who likes to drink, not a dangerous person.

"Okay, I want to say, I like movies, and I like wine. As for cars, I think every man will like them. As for tonight's movie, please support us. In short, drink, movies, cars, tonight, Let's go home happily!"

"Yes, let's go home with all our heart's content!"

People couldn't help laughing, this kid really hit the mark!

Their group organizes people who like movies to watch movies, just to relax and enjoy themselves!

Haha, they're starting to like this kid! !

"Xia Xi, I hope you can come to America more often, we will miss your movies very much!"

"Yes, I hope you can make more movies. We will definitely go to support you, not here, but in the cinema!"

"Yes, and we will hold such activities all over the country, after all, there are people from our group everywhere!"

"Oh, that's a good idea, I'm willing to travel across the entire continent of America for someone I admire!"

People kindly raised their glasses to celebrate!

The bonfire is getting hotter and hotter, and the night is getting darker and darker!

But people's laughter has not diminished.

This night is destined to be another night of hangovers!

When Luo Ximing woke up the next morning, he knew what a hangover was!

It's really a splitting headache! !

Pain, pain, pain to death! !

After washing, his head still hurt, so he could only come out to Li Jinian for help, but Li Jinian was already lying on the bed and couldn't get up, and he also had a splitting headache, drinking whiskey as water, no one could stand it! !

However, Xia Xi and Zhan Yu appeared at the door of the room on time, just like people who had nothing to do.

"Isn't the plane today? If we don't leave, we won't be able to catch up."


Li Jinian hugged his head and shouted: "Where are you going? My legs are still weak!!"

"Go back to China, or do you want to stay here?"

"of course not!"

Li Jinian screamed, barely standing on the ground, ah, my head hurts! !

"Why are you two okay??"

Obviously you two drank more than him and Luo Ximing!

It's fine for Xia Xi to drink, but why does Zhan Yu never get drunk after a thousand cups? ?

Could it be that drinking is also one of Xueba's skills? ?

This is unscientific! !

Li Jinian complained crazily in his heart, but he didn't know that, as the heir of the Zhan family, Zhan Yuzheng had been exercising his drinking capacity since he was a child. Coupled with his practice, although he couldn't say he wouldn't get drunk after a thousand cups, he basically wouldn't Drunk physique.

So, the little whiskey last night was really nothing to worry about~~~

"Because we are top students."

Zhan Yu hooked the corner of his mouth and continued to speak venomously.

Li Jinian: ...

Grass, do you have a middle finger? !

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