The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1341 Ten Yuan? Are you ashamed to lose it?

Chapter 1341 Are you ashamed to lose ten dollars?

"Grandpa, he is sick, you don't need to talk to him!"

Xia Xi packed her luggage and packed it directly: "I will go to Mom's company tomorrow, and I will go to the imperial capital in a few days. Grandpa, what else do you want to ask?"

Su Qingge glanced at Caesar vigilantly, Caesar laughed, and the series of movements of retreating and closing the door were very smooth.

Su Qingge was very speechless. In his opinion, foreigners have always been strange existences, because the brain circuits of these guys are completely different from ours.

But their family Xiaoxi is also very good. When she goes abroad, it's fine to bring back a trophy, and she also brings back a foreign devil!

tut tut!

Su Qingge is beautiful again.

Turn around and continue to help Xia Xi pack her things.

"When you go to the imperial capital, be careful and take care of yourself. As for your grandma's house..."

Su Qingge paused: "It's better not to go..."

Back then, he abducted the daughter of the Meng family. After so many years, he hadn't had much contact with the Meng family. It is estimated that people in that family still look down on him, right? ?

"Well, my grandpa has a sense of proportion. At most, I will go to see the place where my grandma used to stay. I won't deal with people from before."

Xia Xi smiled, a very caring smile.

She knew that grandpa had scruples, but it didn't matter, anyway, grandma was gone, and there was no need for more contact between the two families who hadn't met for decades.


Su Qingge nodded.

"Master, Su He is here again."

Su River?

Mentioning this person, Su Qingge couldn't help frowning: "Just say I'm busy!"

"Haha, I know you are busy, so I came here to help!"

Su He walked in swaggeringly, just like walking into his own house.

"How about packing?? Come, come, let uncle help you clean up together, Xiaoxi, you are really showing respect to our parents, the number one scholar in city S, or the number one student in the province, you will be admitted to God's University at once, and in the future Absolutely skyrocketing!"

In Su He's view, being admitted to a good university means a smooth sailing for the rest of his life, not to mention Xia Xi came back with such a big prize.

"Uncle Zhong, take him downstairs to rest. Grandpa and I are enough here."

Xia Xi gave the order to evict the guest indifferently, she really didn't like Su He this person.

"Hey, don't say that, you have been admitted to university, no matter how you say that I, as an uncle, should express my gratitude, come here, I will give you ten yuan for pocket money!"

Xia Xi couldn't help laughing, ten yuan? ?

You can really do it!

The New Year's money starts from 100 now, okay?

"Come on, take it!"

Seeing that Xia Xi didn't move, Su He stuffed it into Xia Xi's hand, making himself seem like the best uncle in the world.

"Need not."

Xia Xi smiled and said, "My grandfather has already given me 20,000 yuan for pocket money."

So you should take the ten yuan back, she really doesn't like it.

But Su He acted as if he couldn't hear the words, and he still said: "It's from your grandfather, it's from me, it's from my uncle, just take it!"

Xia Xi clicked his tongue, some people are like this, if you save him face, he won't want it, and you must slap him in the face hard, so that he can understand people's words!

"You can sell ten yuan, I'm ashamed of it!"

Xia Xi put on a straight face, and said coldly: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, our family is very busy."

Su He's face became hot, he naturally knew that Xia Xi didn't like his ten yuan, but he didn't expect Xia Xi to say it so bluntly.

What a motherfucker with no quality!

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