
Su Tao let out a breath from his nose. He wanted to eat this gold in the ice cream world for a long time, but it was a pity that he had no money! ! !

"Okay, how about you?"

"I also want!"

"I also want!"

A few people looked at Songgu excitedly, Haagen-Dazs, the ice cream that I can only watch but dare not buy, I can finally taste it!

A few people sat together, lying on the window watching the scenery while eating ice cream,

"Hey, isn't that the foreigner just now?"

"Yeah, so he repairs airplanes."

"But why did he sneak on the plane?"

"I don't know. After going up, I still have a wicked smile on my face. It really destroys the beauty."

The three of them licked the ice cream, silently looking at someone from the plane window, displaying his superb skills.

"What the hell is he doing??"

"have no idea."

"The plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts."

Hearing this, everyone quickly sat down and fastened their seat belts, but their eyes were still unconsciously looking out the window.

Caesar, who finally noticed the strangeness, was startled. Turning around, he saw three hot eyes and the plane slowly taxiing to the runway.

Caesar: ……………

What the hell? He got on the wrong plane? ?

No, this is definitely a private jet! ! The size is just right, and the one that just left is obviously a small airliner, okay? ?

Caesar was shocked, and on the plane, Zhan Yu stared at Caesar, and slowly hung up the phone in his hand.

He has already notified the aircraft security department that there will be special police soon to pick up Caesar and leave.

Climb a plane?

Hehe, I'm sorry, because Hua Guo put an end to private jets, so even private jets that can only be owned by privileges have the same appearance as passenger planes, but the inside is different.

As for the one you boarded, it is the private jet of an oil tycoon visiting China.

So, bye, see you!

Zhan Yu hooked the corner of his mouth, he was possessed by a school bully, that's how arrogant he is.

"What are you looking at??"

When Xia Xi came out of the cab, he saw Zhan Yu, who was smiling so creepily.


Zhan Yu pulled her to his side, fastened her seat belt himself, then lowered his head, and gently kissed the corner of her lips: "Safety first."

After sitting down, Zhan Yu still did not forget to glance back.

The plane had already taken off, but he could clearly see the back of Caesar who was taken away.

Zhan Yu hooked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, opened the magazine calmly, and read it with satisfaction.

At this time, Caesar.

"Hey, I'm just an airplane mechanic!"

"Sorry, no matter which airline company here, they have never hired foreign aircraft repairmen!"

"I'm an engineer from Boeing, and I'm an engineer from America!"



To prove your sister, where does he have any documents?

Caesar gritted his teeth, Xia Xi is very troublesome, and Zhan Yu seems to be even more troublesome!

Intellectual opponents can make people extremely disgusted!

Caesar couldn't help gritting his teeth, it was really annoying!

"No documents? Then we have to call the police!"

"Alright alright!"

Caesar: "Wait for me to make a call and let someone from the company inform you, okay?"

After speaking, he took out his phone and called K directly.

[Damn it, meet my most hated intelligence type, I need an identity, aircraft mechanic! 】

[intelligence type? 】

K wanted to laugh, but his ice face was doomed to be expressionless.

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