The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1360 Do you want to keep me? ?

"Okay, I want the advertising space on the top floor, use the lights to make it brighter!"

"Okay, young master, what do you want to show?"

Xia Xi chuckled, and deliberately turned her head to glance at Zhan Yu: "Isn't the top floor opposite Huayu Huanqiu? On my side, let me put the Su Group!"

"All right, Su's Collection..."

Only then did Fatty Wang seem to think of something, he raised his head and stared at Xia Xi.

"You, you, you are Xia Xi, the young master of the Su Group, the Xia Xi who won the Golden Bear Award?!"

He didn't recognize him because he was wearing a mask, and he never thought that an artist would come to buy an office building, so he didn't think about it at all. Now that Master Xia suddenly revealed his real body, Fatty Wang was completely shocked.

Xia Xi smiled, took off the mask, threw it aside, and fiddled with her hair, the curly hair fell softly, against the delicate facial features, she was so beautiful.

"Yes, thank you boss. I also know that I need to remind you that I can't afford anything."

Fatty Wang was cowardly in an instant, he really wanted to slap himself hard!

Even if others can't afford it, Master Xia must be able to afford it!

Excluding what she earned during this period of time, wouldn't someone return the Su family's money behind her!

Really, he is really old and dizzy, why did he just recognize this is Xia Xi now! !

Really speechless!

"Cough, okay, then what, Young Master Xia, I'm sorry, I'm blind, so what, I'll give you this advertising space for free, no money!"

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows, don't you want money? Hehe, that's a good relationship. She likes buy one get one free the most.

"Okay, I want to see the decoration drawings in seven days, and there is no need to make major changes, just renovate on the existing basis. Su's is in the film and television industry, so there must be a training room and a lounge."

"Yes, yes, young master, don't worry! You are satisfied!"

Fatty Wang personally sent people out, and he let out a long sigh of relief when he saw Jaguar running away.

Damn, I met Xia Xi unexpectedly! !

They even bought an office building! A one-time payment of 160 million!

By the way, why do you want to buy it opposite Huayu? ?

Huayu also has a film and television company, isn't this a public challenge? ?

Fatty Wang suddenly came to his senses, and when he wanted to talk to Xia Xi again, the car had disappeared without a trace.

Tsk, this young master is indeed crazy enough. The first thing he did when he entered the imperial capital was to challenge Huayu. Isn't this courting death? ?

It seems that this office building will not be used for a few days, and it has to be listed with him for sale!

But forget it, who would have trouble with money~~

Fatty Wang went back leisurely, but he didn't know that the person who came to accompany Xia Xi to look at the house today, and even offered to pay for it, was Hua Yu's young boss, Zhan Yu!

Competitive relationship? ?

It doesn't exist, Xiaoxi is his lover in this life, and sooner or later he will be a family.

"Where did you get so much money??"

Zhan Yu frowned, 160 million, as far as she knew, the money that Xiaoxi earned now, if it could reach 100 million, it would be enough, and this was in addition to the money earned by the Su family. There is only so much together.

So, where did the extra 60 million come from? ?

Xia Xi smiled: "Oh, I borrowed it from a friend."


Zhan Yu frowned, why did he borrow it from his friend, but not him? ?

"Which friend? I'll help you return it to him. If you need money in the future, just ask me for it. I'll give you as much as you want!"

Even if you want to owe favors, you can only owe them to him. Others are not qualified!

"What, you want to take care of me?"

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