The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1366 The Crazier You Are, The Harder You Fall

"No, it's just him! His mind is the most accurate, and this is indeed Xia Xi's sensitive point. Of course, we have to guard against it. Ye Chen, you did a good job!"

Zhan Zheng is very happy, Ye Chen, well done! Go on, come on!


"Just him!"

Xia Xi interrupted Zhan Yu's words with a smile.

"Xiao Xi!"

"It's okay, let's just let him go. Mr. Zhan has good intentions, and we can't refuse."

Saying that, Xia Xi looked at Ye Chen, and extended her hand in a friendly way: "Brother Chen, please take care of me. I heard that all the actors you brought out are the best actor. My goal is to become the best actor in two years."

Ye Chen mechanically shook hands with her, and pushed his glasses indifferently: "As far as your ability is concerned, you can only be an idol before your thirties, and you have to be an actor at least after your thirties."

Zhan Zheng really wants to laugh now, as the saying goes, the more truthful a person speaks, the more hurtful his sincerity is!

Look, you can only be an actor after you are thirty? !

Haha, doesn't Xia Xi still want to do it within two years? ?

It's just too embarrassing, isn't it!

Hmm, cool, cool, looking for Ye Chen to be Xia Xi's manager, I really found the right one!

"Idol faction?" Xia Xi nodded: "I am indeed inclined to idol faction now, that's because I am young and have capital, but no one has ever said that idol faction cannot be powerful faction, so, brother Chen, two years , I want to be the actor!"

Xia Xi raised two fingers with great determination.

What Ye Chen is talking about is just a data, just like an equation in a computer, a data that will never change, but sorry, she, Xia Xi, is not a data, but a living person!

"You think you can?" Ye Chen pushed his glasses.

"Everyone can conquer the sky, let alone a mere film king."

Xia Xi smiled domineeringly, the cold Ye Chen paused, then opened the folder and tore all the files inside.

"In this case, I will make a plan again."

Ye Chen looked up indifferently: "So, you will be very tired in the next two years, I hope you can still have time to take care of your studies."

"I will."

Xia Xi was extremely determined.

Seeing her so confident, Ye Chen didn't react too much.

He has seen too many people, many young people feel that they are going to heaven, and they are all arrogant, but it turns out that these people all fell badly in the end.

It seems that Xia Xi is the same.

But he will not educate Xia Xi, he will formulate a two-year plan, and use the facts to discourage this arrogant newcomer!

Ye Chen closed the folder with a snap, and said calmly: "I heard about the endorsement. I will take you to the cosmetics company in three days."

"no problem."

"In addition, the ability training starts tomorrow, two hours a day."

"no problem!"

"As an artist, you must have good physical fitness, and you should not exercise less than one hour a day."


"I hope you can persevere in the further study of the film and television school."

"Of course, I still want to get a degree."

Ye Chen gave Xia Xi a cold look.

Two hours of supernatural training every day, more than one hour of fitness, plus classes at God Capital University and Film and Television School, then there may be no time to eat or sleep in the rest of the time. Can this kid stick to it?

"Well, you can go back and prepare!"


Seeing Xia Xi and the others leave, Ye Chen pushed his glasses and said coldly: "Let me take her? She's so crazy that she could go to heaven!"

Zhan Zheng chuckled: "So let you take her with you, and kill her when she can't finish it!"

Are you crazy?

The crazier you are, the worse you fall!

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