The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1387 I will never give up on you

Zhan Yu opened his eyes viciously and stared at Xia Xi. He was like a wolf who was about to be cornered, his eyes were dark and paranoid.

He lifted Xia Xi's chin with his fingers, forcing the boy to look at him.

"I will cherish every word you say. The promised college graduation is the college graduation. Xiaoxi, I will hear all your secrets, including this Caesar!"

Xia Xi froze for a moment.

Deep in her memory, she seemed to vaguely remember what she had told Zhan Yu about graduating from college, but she never thought that Zhan Yu would really take this sentence to heart.

He...has been enduring?

Just for this sentence? ?

For some reason, Xia Xi wanted to laugh.

A character at the level of the Zhan Yu BOSS, the high-ranking president, and the young master of the Zhan family, actually wronged himself because of a word she said!

Suddenly, I felt that this person was so cute, so cute that it made people feel distressed.

Xia Xi hooked the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand to hook Zhan Yu's neck, her eyes moved slightly.

"Yes, if you are still so obsessed with me by then!"

At that time, your identity will be exposed, and everything related to the Su family will be on the table, Zhan Yu, at that time, will you still be like this, putting aside everything and liking her Xia Xi? ?

In her previous life, she had no love, only friendship, because in her opinion, entrusting her whole life to only one person seemed too dangerous.

In this life, Zhan Yu will move her from time to time, and then she will think about the relationship between them.

She admitted that she herself didn't dislike Zhan Yu, but was used to his existence, so she somewhat liked this feeling.

But she still has some hesitation about love and marriage.

As for the reason, it is still the same sentence, it is really too dangerous to entrust your life to only one person.

I have seen too much in my previous life, not loving, betrayal, all kinds of sweet words, love traps one after another, it is really too dangerous.

"I will never give up on you!"

Zhan Yu gritted his teeth, he looked fierce and cute, like a little milk dog chasing you, babbling and showing his cute little milk teeth.

Xia Xi smiled, and her smile was somewhat arrogant, because she knew that between the two of them, she, Xia Xi, was the one who dominated!

She likes this feeling, the feeling that everything is in her own hands.

Kissing the corner of Zhan Yu's lips like a reward, Xia Xi escaped easily like a loach, and slid to the door: "Good night, and tidy up my room!"

After saying this, she turned and left in a good mood.

Zhan Yu said that he has been patient! !

Hehe~ It looks like I got some great secret.

Xia Xi squinted her eyes and smiled, but when she returned to her room, she found Caesar squatting on the window sill at some point, seeming to be bandaging his wound.

"Hey, Xia Xi!"

Caesar smiled and waved his hands as if he was at his own home.

"Let me tell you, Zhan Yu is gay, he likes you, you'd better stay away from him!"

"Well, good, but unfortunately, I don't hate him."

Caesar immediately gave Xia Xi an unclear look.

It turns out that Xia Xi is also gay!

Well, good, so the relationship between her and Xi can at least prove to be pure!

Caesar was somewhat relieved.

"Okay, but why have you been refusing to tell me where Xi is?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"That's my woman. As a homosexual, you always hide other men's women, isn't it a bit too much?"

In the darkness, Caesar chuckled, and his golden-brown eyes turned a faint red.

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