The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1390 Looking for Ming Jiu

Kitagawa Yuki hugged his head and messed around, Caesar chased after him and beat him fiercely, and the good bedroom was tossed in a bad way.

However, Kitagawa Yuki was no match for Caesar. After a few heavy blows, Kitagawa Yuki fell to the ground dizzy.

Seeing that the dagger was about to fall, Bei Chuan exclaimed: "I really didn't betray the captain. Why do you think the captain's account can be unfrozen for Xia Xi, because this is the captain's order!! Meera can prove it!!"


The dagger stopped at the center of Beichuan's eyebrows, barely three millimeters away, and one inch further, Kitagawa Yuki would definitely lose his head.

Cold sweat slipped down in an instant, and Yuki Kitagawa swallowed hard, rejoicing for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.


Caesar retracted the dagger while biting the name.

Meera is a team member who manages external affairs for Adversary, and Xi's finances are also taken care of by her. The owner of this person is absolutely devout, and she treats Xi like a believer treats her own god.

So if it wasn't for Xi's order, Mei La would never give the money to Xia Xi!

Caesar was a little confused, he sat on the ground slumped with his head covered.

SHIT, what the hell is going on here? ?

Why does it feel so chaotic, so chaotic that no matter how he thinks about it, he can't think of any clues!


Kitagawa Yuki asked cautiously.

"It's a mess!"

Caesar howled.

Bei Chuan also nodded, it was messy enough, if Team Xi didn't expose himself, he wouldn't know Xia Xi was Team Xi, but he really couldn't say a word now.

Who killed Team Xi? ?

He also wanted to know the secret.

If he finds out, he must kill these people to avenge Team Xi!

The room fell into a silence, which was so depressing.

After a long time, Caesar stood up slowly, loosening all the bones in his body.

"What are you going to do?"

Bei Chuan asked cautiously.

Are you going to trouble Team Xi again?

"I'm going to reveal the truth!"

In Caesar's eyes, fighting spirit was restored.

The corpse in the cemetery is real, and it is also true that Xia Xi can use Xi's account, Meera, Kitagawa Yuki, Jack...

The names of these people ran through his mind until finally, he thought of one person.

Ming Jiu!

Xi's friend, the scar on her chin was left by him, Caesar.


Caesar loosened his neck and walked out slowly.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Beichuan asked.

"Go to Mingjiu, Xi can not see me, I don't believe it, she won't even see Mingjiu!"

Whether it is life or death, if Ming Jiu is found, the truth will be revealed!

Caesar snorted with a smug look on his face.

And behind him, Kitagawa Yuki stared at the man's crazy back in a daze.

Ming Jiu?

Caesar is going to find Ming Jiu?

Team Xi also said that they wanted to find Ming Jiu, and the entire Adversary team had already been mobilized, but until now there was still no news about Ming Jiu...

Kitagawa Yuki frowned, he always felt that Ming Jiu was more ominous than good.

If Ming Jiu died too, no one would know the real secret of what happened to Xi Palace!

Therefore, it is not a bad thing for Caesar to look for him, after all, he still has K under his command.

Kitagawa Yuki made up his mind and turned to sleep.

But when he turned around, what jumped into his eyes was the mess of a typhoon passing through.

Fuck! ! !

Caesar! ! !

I wipe your mother! !

Will it be dawn when the mess in this place is cleaned up? ?

You still let me sleep! ! !

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