The combination of the two projects makes it easier to coordinate the technology, and the city can recruit better technical talents, which is also beneficial for game promotion and various activities. How great!

"Different world……"

Chen Nan stared blankly at Xia Xi, she felt that the person in front of her was really too elusive!

Quietly, she took out 160 million to buy the most expensive real estate in the imperial capital, and she only knew that the different world belonged to the young master this summer, and now she actually planned to bring "Another World" to the imperial capital !

If you add the income from "Another World", 50 million a year, you should be able to win it...

Chen Nan was somewhat less nervous, but she still had no idea.

"Little, young master, how long have you been planning this plan?"

Chen Nan felt uneasy.

"Sister Nan, your layout can be bigger."

Xia Xi looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "What "Another World" can do is not just a game, and what Su can do is not just relying on artists to make money."

Chen Nan: ...

What the hell does this mean? ?

"After everyone settles down and Su's official operation, we will recruit intern editors."

Intern editor?

Do, what to do? ?

"Be a film and television journal!"

periodicals? ?

Does anyone still buy books? ?

In today's world where the Internet is so developed, this kind of thing can't be done at all, right?

"Yes, not now, let's cultivate first."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes.

The imperial capital has a much higher structure than City S. Things that cannot be done in City S, everything is possible here!

Here, it will be the world where she can show her talents!

nourish? ?

Chen Nan is still at a loss. She always feels that the young master is going to be a journal or something. It is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. She always feels that the young master is laying the network. When the network is completed, the Su Group may really become something amazing.

At this time, Xia Wei was tossing and turning in S City, unable to sleep.

Xia Xi took some members of the Su Clan to the imperial capital! !

It must be developed in the imperial capital!

In the past, it was obvious that the Xia family developed better than the Su family. Now if Xia Xi succeeds in the imperial capital, wouldn't the Xia family be inferior to the Su family? ?

No, he also wants to go to the imperial capital!

Because once you are compared, it will be even more difficult to get back to Xia Xi! !

Xia Wei frowned tightly, and then found an opportunity to put forward his opinions at the shareholders' meeting.

"The Xia Clan is also going to enter the imperial capital?"

"Yes, that's where the gold is everywhere!"

Xia Wei was very sure.

"So we have to enter the imperial capital!"

The shareholders were lost in thought, and the only ones who supported him were Chen Yurong and Nanfeng.

Su Qing's face was a little ugly, because she knew why Xia Wei did this! !

He is definitely for Xia Xi!

Xiao Xi is her son, no one else should even think about it! !

"I think it's feasible, but who do you want to send to the imperial capital?"

Nanfeng asked subconsciously.

"I'll go myself!"

Xiaoxi is in the imperial capital, of course he has to go in person!

"Then who will stay to manage the industry in City S."

Xia Wei paused and looked at Su Qing.

Of course, it was impossible for Su Qing to manage his own property, so he chose Chen Yurong without hesitation.

Hearing this, a look of excitement flashed across Chen Yurong's face.

It's really God helping me, in this way, her goal can go one step further!

Nanfeng glanced at Chen Yurong, and nodded accordingly: "Okay, but her shares are too small, so she can't speak in the company. I think the company should increase the shares to Yurong."

Several shareholders whispered to each other, and then they all agreed.

It is absolutely impossible for the Xia family to hand it over to Su Qing and Xia Xi. Chen Yurong's superior position is Xia Zhengran's superior position, so they agree!

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