The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1401 This Is Not Arrogance, It's Ability

Xia Zhengran suddenly understood what was going on as the thin sound came into his ears!

She quickly dug out the photos and recognized two faces in them.

They were classmates in their class. In order to highlight herself in the photo, the two people were obviously weakened and ugly.

Could it be these two people?

Xia Zhengran's face was a little ugly.

But why deliberately target her?

Obviously everyone is hyping it up? ?

Randomly flipping through, it's the news of this year's film academy beauties like clouds, but she just can't figure out how these people can be so stingy!

Targeting her just because of this? ?

What are you doing?

Xia Zhengran frowned, but the result of this incident was that she was completely isolated by the people in the class.

"Stay away from her, and be careful not to step on you!"

"Haha, yes, it's really scary, it's so scheming!"

"Green tea whore?"

"Hahaha, is it a white lotus?"

Whispers came from all directions, Xia Zhengran's face paled instantly.

Why? Why can Xia Xi be praised by everyone, but she will be isolated? ?

Obviously not in the same school anymore!

Why is this happening again!

Xia Xi, Xia Xi! !

Xia Zhengran gritted her teeth and plunged into her studies.

That being the case, she must study hard, and she must not lose to Xia Xi no matter what!

Xia Zhengran was desperately trying.

Xia Xi was also working hard.

After Chen Nan and the others settled down, everything was left to Beichuan. Except for military training, Xia Xi devoted herself to creative advertising.

To be honest, even she would feel disgusted if a man put on makeup or something, let alone the audience.

But she doesn't think that a man can't shoot a cosmetic advertisement, and maybe the effect will be better.

But what kind of creativity do you want? ?

Xia Xi squinted her eyes, simply opened Yilan's official website, and browsed through it.

When Zhan Yu entered the door with snacks, he found that Xia Xi was concentrating on looking up Yilan's various materials, and didn't notice him coming in at all.

Zhan Yu couldn't help lowering his gaze softly, and put down the tea lightly.

The subtle sound drew Xia Xi's attention back, she raised her head subconsciously, and saw Zhan Yu's dark and soft gaze.

"Don't be too tired, eat something, you still have time."

Xia Xi nodded, took a sip of hot milk tea, and took a bite of the croissant.

"Do you also think that men are not suitable to be the endorsement of cosmetics?"

She puffed her cheeks and asked.

Zhan Yu found it interesting, stretched out his hand to poke her cheek, and said softly: "I just think that as long as it is you, everything is suitable and everything is possible."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, and hooked the corners of her mouth: "I have vision!"

After finishing speaking, she tucked down the bread and milk tea, and continued to devote herself to Yilan's materials.

Domestic brand, but the product is very useful, mainly high-end, want to open up international routes!


Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled contentedly, yes!

Advertisement planning, with it! !

Picking up a brush to quickly write down ideas, Xia Xi was completely absorbed in thinking, forgetting that there was Zhan Yu behind him.

But Zhan Yu was not angry, but stared at Xia Xi's serious back with a smile.

He likes Xia Xi like this.

Without pretentiousness, earnest and hardworking, this kind of Xia Xi made him very fond of it.

There are many people in this world, and there are many talented people, but there are not many talented people who work so hard.

His Xia Xi is like a tireless machine and a never-ending climber, always bringing him surprises.

So, Ye Chen still thinks Xia Xi is arrogant?

No, this is not arrogance, this is ability!

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