The car turned out of the Fifth Ring Road with seven turns and eight turns, and came to a lush mountain forest. There were several villas under the shade. The security guards at the gate were obviously from the army.

Xia Xi was stunned for a moment, thinking about the situation of Zhan Yu's family many times, but never thought that his family has such a status?

After checking his identity at the gate, he withdrew his capital before slowly driving into the villa area and stopping in front of a villa.

Xia Xi walked out with a gift.

You can see many maids busy in front of and behind the house, and the three-story villa is as beautiful as it is decorated with gemstones when the lights are on.

Xia Xi couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, it was really beautiful.

Zhan Zheng glanced at Xia Xi subconsciously, seeing her staring at the house in a daze, he subconsciously licked the corners of his mouth.

It's even better if it's a girl who loves money, since it's easy to manipulate after all.


The butler hurried out to greet him.

"Where is Zhan Yu?"

"The young master has returned and is chatting with his wife."

"What about Qianqian?"

"The young lady is in the back kitchen."

When he heard that his wife was cooking in person, Zhan Zheng couldn't wait.

Everything my wife cooks is delicious! ! !

"Who is this……"

The butler looked at Su Mi.

"War Yu's girlfriend."

Hearing these words, the butler instantly widened his eyes and looked Xia Xi up and down.

The young master actually has a girlfriend? !

My God, the whole family once thought that the young master was frigid, but they didn't expect to have a girlfriend as soon as he entered university?

"Great, the rich will be very happy!"

The butler happily invited people into the room, and as soon as he entered the door, he said to Zhan Hongli who was pulling his son on the sofa in the living room and chatting about the family: "Madam, the young master's girlfriend is here!"


Zhan Yu, who was drinking tea, almost choked on himself.

who? whose girlfriend? ?

His? ? Why doesn't he know it himself?

"Hey, uncle, you can do it. I always thought you were frigid, but I didn't expect to get myself a girlfriend as soon as I entered college? Come, let me see what you look like, sister-in-law?"

Luo Qianqian jumped up excitedly, and stretched her head to look behind the housekeeper.

Zhan Hongli also became happy, it seems that what others said was right, when a boy grows up, he knows how to find a wife!

Look, bring your girlfriend home! !

In an instant, everyone in the room looked towards the door.

Fitted attire, long black hair, a simple girl standing quietly at the door, full lips with a suitable smile, dark eyes that are pure and flawless, and the inside is crystal clear.


Luo Qianqian's eyes lit up, and she came over and took Xia Xi's hand: "Oh my god, it's so beautiful, uncle, you have really good eyesight!"

Luo Qianqian was amazed, she subconsciously moved to Zhan Yu's ear, and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "I always thought you liked men, so you are double!!!"

Zhan Yu: ………

Two ghosts!

He only belongs to Xia Xi even in person and heart! !

Glancing at Su Mi, Zhan Yu felt very disturbed, because he could already guess why this person is here!

His brother, Zhanzheng!

"What a pretty girl!"

Zhan Hongli was very happy, and stretched out her hand to hold Xia Xi to sit beside her, looking from head to toe.

The sitting posture is perfect, and she looks like a lady taught by a rich family!

Smile, perfect, one look is like a daughter who has seen the world!

Needless to say, the etiquette is so perfect that there is no fault at all!

What a nice girl!

Zhan Hongli is satisfied with Xia Xi one hundred and twenty!

"Good, good, good!"

"Not good," Zhan Yu frowned: "Mom, actually she..."

Not my girlfriend, my beloved is Xia Xi, a man!

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