The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1440 Did you make a mistake? ! !

Xia Xi didn't even lift her eyelids, she just lowered her head to eat.

"Hey, Brother Fei called you, why, didn't you hear me?"

Fat Liu couldn't help but glared at Xia Xi angrily.

In the entire imperial capital, our little brother Fei can walk sideways, what's the matter, today a kid from outside dare to ignore our brother Fei? ?

Xia Xi continued to bow her head, eating and drinking.

Fat Liu is speechless, what the hell is this poor boy who came out of some corner, so he has never seen the world? ?

"What about you? Why, you don't know our little brother Fei, do you?"

Xia Xi put down her chopsticks, Fat Liu narrowed her eyes, hum, boy, you have eyesight...

Before she finished feeling, Xia Xi turned her head and directly admired the scenery outside the window.

Fat Liu almost choked on his saliva.

Fuck, this kid is deliberately finding fault, right? ?

Seeing this, Lan Yinuan knew that Xia Xi did it on purpose, so he quickly smoothed things over: "Brother Fei, my friend, please save face."

Meng Fei snorted, and stared straight at Xia Xi: "Now, who is not giving face to whom!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the cup and was about to splash it on Xia Xi's head, but Xia Xi was faster than him, and grabbed the cup, even though Meng Fei exerted all his breastfeeding strength, he just couldn't move! !

Damn, why is this Xia Xi so energetic? ?

"Stinky boy, you've finally seen me, right?" Meng Fei gritted his teeth and continued to smoke the cup. Unfortunately, the cup seemed to grow in Xia Xi's hands, and it was as motionless as a stone!

Grass! give up!

"What, are you calling me?"

Xia Xi calmly picked up the cup, and took a sip of the tea lightly, her dark eyes rolled over with a slight smile in her heart.

Meng Fei felt that he was being laughed at.

"Why don't I call you water??"

"Hehe, I thought you were calling hello."

"Is there such a name in the name of the person?!"

Meng Fei was about to jump up.

Xia Xi hehe: "Anyway, I don't call you hello."

The implication is, you didn't call me, why should I talk to you!

Meng Fei: ………

What an eloquent boy!

"What do you want me to do?"

Xia Xi turned her head and continued to admire the scenery outside the window.

After all, Imperial University has a history of 200 years. The buildings in the school are distinct from old to new. The oldest house is a bit like a government office in the Qing Dynasty. One courtyard is connected to another, directly connected to the lake, which is very beautiful.

This casual look annoyed Meng Fei, he gave Xia Xi a hard look, gritted his teeth and said, "I, want to join the official team of "Another World"!"

Xia Xi froze for a moment, then turned around.

I thought Meng Fei was here to find fault, but after a long time, it turned out that he was here to join the team.

"We are currently not recruiting teams."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Meng Fei couldn't hold back, and said angrily: "It's your Sumi who said that if you want her to join the team, you have to join the "Different World" team!"

"Jiang Zi."

Xia Xi leaned lazily on the chair, drinking tea leisurely.

Meng Fei was about to die of anger!

In the past, others had always surrounded him as the crown prince, but now Xia Xi popped up and wanted to beg him himself! !

It's really maddening! !

"That's fine. There will be a competition in "Different World" next month. Go and participate. If you can win the first place, I will let you join the official team."

Xia Xi chuckled, her exquisite eyebrows and eyes shining brightly under the sun.

"What? I have come to look for you, and you let me participate in the competition?"

Meng Fei raised his voice. In his opinion, he had given Xia Xi enough face by going to "Another World". Now this kid actually let him go to the competition? ?

Also won the first place to enter the official team?

Is there a mistake? ! !

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