The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1443 The Economic Basis of Xidian

And what use value, value, and residual value are so amazing, I feel like I fell back from college to high school immediately! !

Can you say some high-end vocabulary, anyway, you have to meet the scene! !

We are at least college students already!

That's an understatement! !

Sun Weishu just curled his lips when he heard the words: "You are not a vocabulary of economics. You are still in high school politics. Economy is economics, and politics is politics. Although there is such a thing as political economy, economics is still a separate thing." disciplines and should not be confused with each other.”

The implication is that your answer is not very good, and I am very dissatisfied, teacher.

An Xue's face was a little ugly. She wanted to show off herself, but now she was self-defeating, which made the teacher unhappy...

An Xue was very depressed.

"Anyone else want to answer?"

Sun Weishu asked again deliberately, but seeing no one answered, he subconsciously looked at Xia Xi: "Student, I think you seem to be very interested in the course of economics, and you are urging me to give lectures, so tell me, you What is economics in your eyes?"

Hearing this, everyone looked over.

"It's over, Sun Weishu seems to be eyeing Xia Xi."

"Well, she is right in urging the teacher to attend class. Unfortunately, this person is Sun Weishu. Even the seniors have said that this teacher is very arrogant and doesn't like others to interrupt him when he is bragging."

"So it was intentional. After only half an hour of class, who can answer this kind of question?"

"Yeah, it's obviously a deliberate attempt to find fault."

"Hey, I feel that if I answer, I might be like An Xue, saying something like residual value. After all, where did I learn these things in high school??"

"I think I too..."

"Me too……"

"Will Xidian answer like that?? Professor Sun will definitely say that this is all about high school politics, and then belittle Xidian, right?"

"I guess it will..."

"Hate, why is this..."

"I don't dare to look at it..."

Many people began to worry about Xia Xi, and even Lan Yinuan looked at her worriedly: "Will you??"

Xia Xi smiled calmly and stood up indifferently.

Will it? ?

In her previous life, her team was also in business, so how could such basic things not work?

"Economics in my eyes?"

Xia Xi smiled confidently and calmly.


Sun Weishu nodded, his eyes burning, waiting for Xia Xi to make a fool of himself.

"Then I want to ask everyone, air, water, food, diamonds, if you can choose, which one do you like?"

Hearing this, many students were stunned.

Isn't it a question for Xidian? ? Why did Xidian come to ask them again? ?

"I choose diamonds because they are the most valuable!"

Lan Yinuan was the first born to be Xia Xi.

"I... I prefer food, but diamonds seem to be able to exchange for more food..."

Yu Qi began to struggle.

"I choose diamonds too! It's beautiful!"

"Me too!"



During the lecture just now, the dullness of the theoretical basis was swept away, and the atmosphere in the classroom became active.

Sun Weishu froze for a moment, he was a little surprised, have the students been so active before? ?

"Everyone chooses diamonds, but if we don't breathe for three minutes, we will all suffocate to death, if we don't drink water for three days, we will die of thirst, and if we don't eat for seven days, we will all starve to death, but without diamonds, we can all live well. "

Xia Xi analyzed each word slowly, her demeanor was so calm, with a faint smile on her delicate face, no matter how you looked at it, it was pleasing to the eye.

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