The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1446 I'm in a bad mood

In an instant, Zhan Yu's nerves, which had been tense for a day, somewhat relaxed, and his heart fell back. He was slightly relieved, and then he was pressed into Xia Xi's arms.

He bowed like this, hugged Xia Xi, pressed his chin on the young man's slender shoulders, feeling her warmth and beauty.

Even if there is hair and a bra in front of him, as long as Xiao Xi says it, he will subconsciously believe it, even though the evidence presented is so powerful!

He thought he must be crazy.

The saying that love makes people blind seems to be true at all.

"Are you acting like a baby?"

Xia Xi wanted to laugh.


Zhan Yu put his head down, hugged him tightly but refused to let go.

Xia Xi had no choice but to pat him on the back with a smile: "Didn't you go to class today?"


"Do you want to read the notes?? But I can't learn your international relations courses."

"No problem."

At worst, he would ask his uncle.

"What's for dinner then?"


Zhan Yu was stunned for a moment, then raised his head: "Uncle Song's daughter-in-law gave birth, and he will go back in the afternoon."

"Haha, let's order takeaway then! How about eating boiled fish?"

"This can be."

Zhan Yu smiled, stretched out his hand to open the bedroom door, walked out of this door, and he was that spirited, cold and domineering Zhan Boss again!

As for the bra and the woman's hair, he didn't ask Xia Xi.

But it doesn't mean that this matter can pass like this!

After confirming that Xia Xi had gone to rest, Zhan Yu turned around and went back to the room to make a call.

"Hey, help me spy on someone."

On the phone, there was a stabbing voice, and it was obvious that the signal was not very good.


The cold, machine-like voice would make one's scalp tingle just by listening to it.

Zhan Yu raised his head and looked in the direction of the door: "Xia Xi."

He retracted his gaze vigilantly: "I want to know who she contacts with every day. The point is, it's a woman!"


After hanging up the phone, Zhan Yu sat deeply in the chair, staring out the window with his dark eyes solemnly and gloomyly.

Xiaoxi's eyes were too beautiful and pure, he couldn't bear to ask, so he should find someone to check.

If I let him know who that damned woman is...

Zhan Yu gritted his teeth and subconsciously clenched his fists.

In the outdoor advertisement, Xia Xi’s Yilan advertisement will be staged every half an hour. Every time it is staged, many girls on the road will subconsciously stop to watch. The advertisements in the subway station are torn up without leaving a single piece. Even Yilan's foundation of the same style is still sold out.

He Xiaolan and Lan Die even guarded in front of Yilan's counter. Once they put on foundation, they didn't hesitate to grab it. After all, hands are slow! !

On the top floor of Huayu, Zhanzheng called Sumi for the nth time, but the phone was still turned off!

Damn it, where did this woman go!

He hasn't asked her why she left without saying goodbye last time! !

You obviously agreed to help him break the battle, but what is going on now? ?

Could it be that he was put together?

Or maybe Sumi doesn't want to be famous? ?

Zhan Zheng couldn't figure it out, and could only get more and more depressed!

"Mr. Zhan, there is a director who wants to find Xia Xi to make a movie."

Ye Chen walked in with a document.

"Reject, didn't I say, block Xia Xi!"

Zhan Zheng frowned.

"All right."

Ye Chen pushed his glasses, and said seriously: "This is the third time Xia Xi's film and television drama has been rejected this month."


Zhan Zheng raised his eyebrows coldly, he is very irritable now.

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