Every word Xia Xi said was very clear. She stood quietly in front of everyone, her delicate face became more solemn, and her straight figure brought out an unquestionable momentum. Standing there, she seemed to be the king here. Stepping on the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon, pointing to the vast rivers and mountains.

The moment this powerful aura was released, everyone fell silent.

The words of questioning and refutation were collected in the stomach, and the rest was a burst of pressure from responsibility.

"I know you will definitely be under pressure, but I promise you, after this period of work, I will take a vacation in batches. How about five days and four nights abroad?"

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her lips, and her dark eyes brought out a bright light. With a press and a lift, many people's embarrassed eyes became a little more flickering.

Five days and four nights overseas travel? ?

Do you want to be so cool? ?

"However, where are we going to play?"

Everyone is still very excited about playing or something.

"It depends on your abilities. If the results of the competition are unprecedented, I will take you to outer space!"

Xia Xi squinted her eyes and smiled domineeringly, making the blood boil even more.

Although I think outer space is unrealistic, everyone is convinced by Xia Xi's words.

Just imagine moving the precarious Su family to the imperial capital in a short period of time, and buying an entire floor of the most prosperous commercial building. This young master's words should be true!

"Okay, Mr. Xia, don't worry!"

All staff make fists and raise hands to show loyalty!

Even for five days and four nights, they have to work hard!

After the opening remarks, everyone in "Different World" immediately went to work.

The previous event plan was taken out, put together, sorted out, changed, and then held a meeting to study and discuss. What they had to do was to come up with the plan within three days, and first traveled to various provinces to plan this event!

The atmosphere became tense in an instant.

Seeing such a tense atmosphere in "Another World", Chen Nan couldn't help but said, "Young master, what about us?"

In the past, Su Shi herself felt quite busy, but now when she compares it to "Another World", she always feels that she is very leisurely.

"How many notices?"

Chen Nan nodded and said, "Fortunately, there are more than in City S, and your advertisements are everywhere, young master, so many directors are willing to cooperate with us."

"What roles are they all?"

"Emm... Basically, there are two males and two females..."

It is impossible for a man, a woman and a woman to consider them. After all, most of the men and women are investors, and it is certainly impossible to replace them.


Xia Xi nodded.

Seeing that Xia Xi didn't say anything, Chen Nan didn't ask any more questions.

Instead, focus on the task at hand.

But Xia Xi won't be satisfied so easily.

She dialed Fang Junru directly.

"Director Fang, is there any good drama to film recently?"

When Fang Junru heard that it was Xia Xi, Fang Junru couldn't help but smile.

Xia Xi helped him achieve the miracle of over 40% ratings, and now basically every investor likes to ask him to direct TV dramas.

So, although he is not idle now, he earns a lot! !

"Yes, yes, there are quite a few. Why is Xidian coming to play?? I have reserved the number one male position for you!"

We, Xidian, are so handsome and capable, we definitely want to play the male number one!

"No, I want to ask if you still have any characters over there. I want to put Su's artists in for training."

"That's it..."

Fang Junru flipped through the script in his hand: "Is the second female number okay?"

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