It is impossible for Xia Wei to know Chen Yurong's thoughts. He is now looking for Xia's office in the imperial capital.

Lu Hong also helped to find it together, after all, she is an artist of the Xia family and is a popular front-line.

The Xia family was able to gain a foothold in S city because of Lu Hong.

As for the Xia family, they have only cultivated a first-line team.

"Mr. Xia, it's great to be able to move the headquarters of the Xia Clan to the imperial capital. Maybe we can cultivate more popular artists, and then the Xia Clan will be brought to a higher level."

Lu Hong smiled. She hoped that the Xia family could come to the Imperial Capital. Many big film and television companies are located in the Imperial Capital, and top-line artists are also in the Imperial Capital. This is a very large and high-end circle. Come on, she won't be so isolated and helpless in this circle.

"Well, that's why I came to the imperial capital."

Xia Wei nodded: "It just so happens that your nieces Lu Yan and Zheng Ran also came to the imperial capital, so you can take them with you."


Lu Hong nodded, then lowered her voice subconsciously: "Brother Wei, the Su family has also come to the imperial capital, do you know?"

When there is no one around, Lu Hong will also call Xia Weige.

Xia Wei paused for a while before nodding: "I know."

Isn't the reason why he came to the imperial capital because the Su family also came to the imperial capital?

"Where is their office??"

Xia Wei looked up and looked around.

Housing prices in the imperial capital are very expensive, outrageously expensive, even if the Xia family tries their best, they can only buy a house on the third ring road at most.

The Su family has just started, and he is even more nervous. At best, he just bought it outside the Fourth Ring Road.

Xia Wei thought with some pride, no matter what, the Xia family is still more confident than the Su family, at least in terms of money!


Lu Hong hesitated for a moment: "They are in... the first ring..."


Xia Wei was shocked: "One ring? Downtown? How is it possible?? Where did they get so much money?"

Although the Su family is developing well, where does the money come from to rent a house in the first ring road? ?

"Is it a haunted house??"

Besides, is there any other way to make the houses in the first ring road be bought by the Su family? ?

It's shocking to think about it!

Lu Hong was somewhat embarrassed, she said lightly: "It's not a haunted house, nor is it rented, but a one-time payment. The house is opposite Huayu Global, with a whole floor on the top floor, and the market value is 160 million."

Xia Wei's heart trembled when he heard 160 million.

One hundred million! !

Even if the entire Xia family was sold, it would only be enough for 100 million yuan! !

And the house that Xia Xi bought was 160 million?

What's going on, why are there so many?

"One, one hundred and sixty million?"

This time Xia Wei was about to tremble.

Yes, did you make a mistake!

"Well, and the house is opposite Huayu Huanqiu, which is the best location in the entire imperial capital."

Xia Wei gritted his teeth angrily!

I thought I would definitely buy a better location than Su's, but looking at it now, would I still buy it? ?

Money can't buy a better location than this one! !

Because, this is already the best location!

What's more, he doesn't have so much money now! !

Damn it, what's going on, where did Xiaoxi get so much money! !

Could it be...

Xia Wei thought of the worst plan, and that was Xia Xi's manager!

They really have an affair...

Didn't Xia Xi say that on purpose to deceive him? ?

Are the two men disgusting if they love each other?

And Zhan Yu even got Xia Xi 100 million! !

There is no mistake!

Damn gay!

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